Ms Nguyen & Ms Kini
Ms Nguyen & Ms Kini
A very happy new year to our lovely families! Welcome to another exciting year of learning in science! This term students are exploring the science of Earth and Space.
Seasons: The Foundation students are learning about the sequence and features of each of our four seasons here in Victoria, Australia. They will begin to engage with our school’s model of learning and teaching, which includes a range of videos, songs and gestures to discuss their learning about what happens in Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. Observable changes in the landscape and the sky such as the weather will be key prompts to help students display their learning.
Impact of seasons on human life: The Year 1 students are learning about the months in each of our four seasons here in Victoria, Australia. Students will draw on prior knowledge to explore the changes in weather during each season. For example, Spring comes after Winter so the weather starts cold with rain and wind, then becomes warmer as it progresses closer to its next season, Summer.
Earth’s Resources: The Year 2 students are learning to identify the variety of natural resources found on Earth, such as plants, animals, water and below the ground. Students will explore how people use these primary resources to make secondary resources to support our daily lives and survival. They will also begin to complete their own research with peers and record their discoveries.
Effects of rotation and revolution: The Year 3 students are learning about the position of our planet in our Solar System. They will explore the impacts of the moon and Earth’s tilt, rotation and revolution around the Sun. These impacts include day and night, ocean currents, tidal waves and seasons.
Weathering, Erosion and Deposition: The year 4 students are learning about the processes of weathering, erosion and deposition this term. They are also discovering how these slow processes affect our daily life positively and negatively. Through questioning, predicting and exploring samples of rocks they will also learn about types of rocks and the elements they are made of.
The Solar system: The year 5 students are learning about the Solar system this year. They will be discovering the segregation of planets into Terrestrial and Jovian planets along with their properties. They will also be exploring the other parts of the solar system such as asteroid belts, meteoroids and comets. They will also learn about the factors that make Earth the only habitable planet known to humans at present.
Natural disasters: The year 6 students are learning about the formation and impacts of natural disasters that affect the Earth such as cyclones, earthquakes, floods and bushfires. Natural disasters disrupt daily life, making it hard for people to find food, water, and shelter. While we can’t control when or where they happen, students will learn basic survival skills to tackle these disasters.
We are looking forward to another rewarding year of learning!
Mrs. Kini and Miss N