School Noticeboard

Week 2
Tameera Sharpley - Year 6 Student Leader
Caleb Hiles - Year 6 Student Leader
Isla Giltrow - Active participation
Charlotte Phelps - Active participation
Jack Williams - Following the school rules
Week 3
Charlotte Phelps - Respectful behaviour
Sam Phelps - Active participation
Tara & District Swimming Trials
Well done to Zach, Caleb & Annabelle at the trials on February 6th. All of you did a wonderful job representing Moonie State School.
Kindy News
What children learn at Kindy
Kindy is a place where your little one will make friends, explore new environments, build confidence and have fun learning.
We will cover the following topics over the next few newsletters:
- Learning programs
- Holistic learning
- Learning experiences
- Keeping up to date on my child's progress
- Supporting learning and development at home
Kindy offers meaningful experiences and interactions that support your child's early learning, wellbeing and development now and into the future.
Learning programs
All approved kindergarten programs are based on the Queensland kindergarten learning guideline External link or other Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority External link accredited learning programs.
The guideline gives teachers advice on how to deliver a kindergarten program that meets national and state quality standards and regulations.
Could notices for The Weekly please be emailed or phoned through by
2.00pm on a Monday afternoon.
email -
Contact Numbers
Phone: 07 4665 0133
Mobile Phone: 0436 948 675
Absence line :46650276