Principal's Address

Hello to all Moonie Families and Community
Week 4 Update
We’ve had a fantastic start to the year, with swimming lessons, guitar lessons, and our leadership parade. A big congratulations to Tameera and Caleb on their leadership roles!
Our attendance rate has been outstanding, with many students not missing a day this term. When absences have occurred, they have mostly been for appointments. Students with an outstanding rate by the end of Week 5 will receive a reward and be celebrated during the Week 6 parade. So far, everyone is on track—well done!
A huge congratulations to Zach, Annie, and Caleb for representing our school so well at Chinchilla! You all swam brilliantly and achieved fantastic results.
Swimming lessons continue every Wednesday at school. It has been wonderful to see all students participating with enthusiasm, building their confidence in the water each week.
Our Year 3-6 students have been working hard across all subjects.
- English – We are continuing our work on narrative structure, preparing to write adaptations of stories we are reading. This term, we are enjoying Matilda by Roald Dahl and will soon explore Leo and Ralph by Peter Carnavas.
- Science –
- Years 3–4 are investigating the causes of everyday Earth observations, including night and day, sunrise and sunset, and shadows.
- Years 5–6 are exploring the solar system.
As part of our Science curriculum across our P-6 space, we are excited to host StarLab! With the number of responses we have received, this will now be an evening event, running from approximately 5:00–8:00 PM. More details will be shared soon!
Congratulations to everyone on a great start to the year!
Anna Jones