
Career Conversations @ Home – Helping parents have positive career convos!
October 16, 2024
Come join Tyson Day, the Co-Founder and Lead Facilitator of Arrive & Thrive, as he shares the best way to have impactful career conversations in and around your home environment that produce clarity, career discovery, and momentum. Tyson will share concepts and practices that he has learned through his 10+ years of experience in career education and the 85,000 students who have attended Arrive & Thrive workshops since 2019.
In our webinar, you can expect to learn:
- How can you positively influence your young person in their career decisions.
- How can you effectively navigate the future of work and understand your young person's options.
- How to communicate effectively through the GROW model to support your young person in career exploration.
We can't wait for you to join us!
All participants will receive a Career Conversation Kit to kick off conversations with their young person as soon as possible!
Careers in the Allied Health Industry - $20 cost to attend
Bestchance is a not-for-profit children's organisation in Victoria, and we are hosting a 'Pathways in Allied Health' online information evening next Wednesday 25th September.
Students will hear from working therapists from the following disciplines:
- Speech Pathology
- Occupational Therapy
- Psychology
- Music Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Specialist Education
- Social Work
- Behaviour Consultancy
- Play Therapy
- Dietetics
This is an opportunity for students to gain greater understanding around these Allied Health disciplines, the therapist's education journey, how they decided to study their discipline and 'what a day in the life of' looks for them at this point in their career.
All proceeds from this event will go towards providing free developmental playgroups for vulnerable children and families in local communities around Melbourne.
For more information and secure a refundable ticket, click below:
It Takes a Spark STEM Conference, Melbourne
October 24, 2024
Most conferences currently being offered on STEM, STEAM and Entrepreneurship tend to be targeted towards teachers and involve a series of speakers and the occasional mini-workshops. This conference is designed to be different. This conference is designed by students and teachers for students and teachers.
The intent of the It Takes a Spark STEM Conference is to bring together Students (Year 4 to 10) and Teachers to connect with inspiring industry role models, share their current school based activities and projects using an authentic sharing and experiential model, create networks of teachers and student teams, and solve social justice design challenges.
The participation of the students is as important as teachers as our intent is to ignite, empower and nurture both to be leaders of STEM and Entrepreneurship within their schools. This is a conference designed and led by students and teachers for students and teachers.
Teachers will have both formal and informal opportunities to speak to other teachers who have enacted programs and activities in their schools and get their questions answered.
The workshops and social justice design challenges are all hands-on so students and teachers will experience first-hand what it is like to be part of great STEM and entrepreneurial learning. This will spark new ideas about curriculum and pedagogy.
This information is being repeated again this fortnight for families who may have missed this information.
September School Holiday Programs
The school holidays are a great time to explore course and career opportunities with TAFE’s, Uni’s, Independent providers and also take up the FREE Exam Prep sessions!!! Here is a list of events happening over the coming weeks. This information has also been sent to all Yr 9, 10, 11 and 12 students.
Click Here
FREE Exam Revision Lectures!!!! – Yr 9, 10, 11 and 12
Ace your up coming exams be attending a FREE VCE Revision Exam Lecture
Monash | VCE Revision Lectures
September 23 to September 26, 2024
Completing VCE? Monash Science is excited to support students currently studying VCE through a series of on-campus revision lectures. These sessions are designed to reinforce key concepts in the curriculum and will be delivered by a qualified VCE teacher with extensive experience in their subject.
Time: 9.30 am -4.30 pmMaths Methods: Monday 23 SeptemberBiology: Tuesday 24 SeptemberPhysics: Wednesday 25 SeptemberChemistry: Thursday 26 September
ATAR Notes Free VCE Revision Lectures
Located in the city ATAR Notes have been delivering these lectures for a number of years. You are encouraged to attend as many as these events as you can. They are available for students in Years 9, 10 11 and 12. Please register using this link to secure your spots.
NIDA September Spring Holiday Courses 2024 – VIC
September 23 to October 6, 2024
NIDA's Holiday Program offers fun and engaging skills-based training for all ages and aspirations. From 3-week Residency programs to 1-day short courses for adults, children and young people, we have something to offer everyone.
NIE | Future Doctors Australia, Melbourne
September 27 to September 30, 2024
Gaining medical work experience is essential for young people considering a career in medicine. It provides insight into the field, helps develop skills and attributes, and provides networking opportunities. However, obtaining medical work experience can be challenging due to various restrictions such as limited opportunities, safety concerns, and confidentiality issues.
That’s why NIE has developed the “Future Doctors Australia” program. It is an engaging and high-impact 4-day program that provides young people with a unique opportunity to gain medical work experience in a safe and structured environment. Participants will have the opportunity to spend time with current junior and senior medical students. They will also have the rare opportunity to spend time with more senior clinicians and various medical specialists. You will get to learn about clinical specialist’s relevant fields of work, ask them questions, and learn some hands-on skills from them.
- Over 15 hours of face-to-face interaction with leading specialists and clinicians
- Meet current medical students
- Develop advanced communication and team working skills
- Create new friendships with like-minded, highly driven young individuals
- Learn about the admission process into various medical universities in Australia
- Morning tea and lunch included
Astrophotography Workshop
September 14, 2024
The astrophotography workshop introduces concepts that will assist both the beginner amateur and professional photographer to take stunning photographs of the night sky. Night sky photography is very different to that done in daylight. The afternoon has an array of talks given by experienced and award-winning astrophotographers, with (weather permitting) practical hands-on sessions during the evening at our registered Observatory.
Topics include an introduction to smartphone photography, timelapses, capturing the Aurora Australis, nightscape imaging, deep sky photography and much more.
Help your students make the most of their upcoming school holidays with an event that lets them get hands-on with their favourite study area. At RMIT Student for a Day, high school students from Years 10 to 12 can experience their future firsthand.
When students register for this event, they'll get the chance to choose two workshops to attend on the day. The workshops range from using Lego to solve business problems to finding out the science behind why colour and sound can change the taste of food. There will even be sessions for parents and guardians to learn more about RMIT University!
When: Tuesday 24 September 2024
Where: Storey Hall, RMIT City Campus
Students are encouraged to register now to save their space. More information
NIE | Future Doctors Australia, Melbourne
September 27 to September 30, 2024
Gaining medical work experience is essential for young people considering a career in medicine. It provides insight into the field, helps develop skills and attributes, and provides networking opportunities. However, obtaining medical work experience can be challenging due to various restrictions such as limited opportunities, safety concerns, and confidentiality issues.
That’s why NIE has developed the “Future Doctors Australia” program. It is an engaging and high-impact 4-day program that provides young people with a unique opportunity to gain medical work experience in a safe and structured environment. Participants will have the opportunity to spend time with current junior and senior medical students. They will also have the rare opportunity to spend time with more senior clinicians and various medical specialists. You will get to learn about clinical specialist’s relevant fields of work, ask them questions, and learn some hands-on skills from them.
- Over 15 hours of face-to-face interaction with leading specialists and clinicians
- Meet current medical students
- Develop advanced communication and team working skills
- Create new friendships with like-minded, highly driven young individuals
- Learn about the admission process into various medical universities in Australia
- Morning tea and lunch included
School Holiday Fun - City of Greater Dandenong
Spring Spectacular School Holiday Activities
Looking for some excitement during the school holidays? Join us for our fantastic September school holiday program for 12–25-year-olds! Enjoy a variety of activities including Bounce, the Amazing Race, Dumpling-making, Badminton, Acrylic painting, a Gardening workshop, a Skate and Bike clinic, and a Mt Cannibal Walk with a BBQ.
Dates: 23 Sep – 4 Oct
Cost: FREE or low cost
Bookings: Holiday Activities | Youth (
Dandy's Got Talent is a talent show hosted at The Castle, designed to celebrate, and showcase the diverse talents of young people aged 12-25 in Greater Dandenong.
Date: Wednesday 25 September
Venue: The Castle, 61 Princes Hwy, Dandenong
Cost: $5 (Redeemable for snacks) / Performers attend free
Bookings: Dandy's Got Talent | Youth ( Expressions of Interest for performers close August 30.
Are you 16-25 years old? Come and learn how to use a commercial coffee machine to make a range of coffees including espressos, cappuccinos, and café lattes, and gain a Statement of Participation from Jesuit Social Services.
Date: Tuesday 24 September
Time: 9.30am - 3.30pm
Venue: 54 McCrae Street, Dandenong
Cost: $10
Intro Swim is an opportunity for young people aged 16-25 to learn basic water safety and swimming skills with accredited swimming instructors. This 6-week program is free and provides a fantastic opportunity for young people to gain confidence in the water.
Term 4: Thursdays starting 17 October
Time: First session runs from 4.30pm -6.30pm; subsequent sessions are 30 minutes
Venue: Dandenong Oasis, Heatherton Rd &, Cleeland St, Dandenong VIC 3175
Cost: FREE
Registrations: IntroSwim 2024 - Term 4 | Youth (
The Holiday Activities Committee (HAC) is a dynamic four-week leadership program for 12–16-year-olds where young people collaborate to design engaging school holiday activities, develop leadership skills, build confidence, form new friendships, and step into Peer Leader roles.
Term 3: Tuesdays starting 27 August
Time: 4.30pm-6.30pm
Venue: 39 Clow Street, Dandenong
Cost: FREE
Registrations: Holiday Activities Committee | Youth (
FReeZA is a Victorian Government initiative inviting young Victorians (12-25) to plan and run drug, smoke, and alcohol-free music and cultural events. As a member of the City of Greater Dandenong FReeZA committee, you'll gain hands-on music industry experience, learn event management, and support local artists while delivering safe, enjoyable events for the community.
Term 3&4: Thursdays during term time
Time: 4.30pm - 6.30pm
Venue: 39 Clow Street, Dandenong
Cost: FREE
Registrations: FReeZA Youth Committee | Youth (