Clyde North Campus News

Term three consisted of ten weeks, forty – seven school days, two hundred and thirty-five classes, with each class sixty minutes long which means that we have spent fourteen thousand, one hundred minutes together as a school community, not including recess and lunchtimes. This calculation also does not include afterschool activities and excursions such as the school production and student led conferences. Whilst some might feel this a lot of time to spend at school, others might be surprised by the calculations. What I think we can agree on is that any time spent at school with your community is valuable given how quickly time passes. Making the most of every opportunity that we are given in any moment in time is critical and probably one of the hardest lessons to learn and appreciate. As adults we have hindsight, so we are better at valuing time whereas our young people seem to move between being bored to wanting time to move quickly, wishing to be older and longing for the future before they are ready to meet it.
As the year 12 students are becoming very aware that their secondary schooling is coming to end, we must prevent panic or stress and keep them focused on what can be achieved and identify the sources of support available to them. As we move into spring with more sun and longer daylight, it can provide a sense of more time or is it more energy with which to use our time? Either way we can use this positively. I wish all students to have a great holiday, enjoy time with family, friends, and themselves. Yes year 12 students will need to study and prepare for final exams, projects and assessments, and the key is supporting them to value this time and use it wisely and to do that they need our hindsight.
Whilst the national day for RUOK was the 12th September, we utilised the last week of term, joining in the vast array of fun activities planned and run by the VCE Vocational Major students. Each recess and lunchtime this past week have shone a light on the need for us to check in with each other and ask RUOK? Our thanks to Mr O’Hara and students for this amazing work in leading the campaign for RUOK at the campus. There can be no doubt that the highlight of the week was the annual colour run. Students started the run in pure white T-Shirts and by the finish line they were spectacularly colourful. The idea behind the run is to have fun, celebrate everyone, celebrate happiness and life and to either spark or continue the RUOK conversation.
As the students left school this yesterday, covered in colour I can only imagine the smiles and wonderings that people had upon seeing them. Hopefully this then extended into asking why the colour? And so, a conversation begins, R U OK? Remember we do not need to have the answers, just start with the question and listen.
House Captains 2025
This week we saw the investiture of our 2025 College Captains, a wonderful event. This now leads us to the process of nominations, speeches and election of the 2025 House Captains. Year 11 (2025) and Year 12 (2025) students are encouraged to put themselves forward to represent their House in this role. Nomination forms have gone out this week and I am delighted to see several nominations already coming in. We look forward to hearing the House Captain candidate speeches early next term followed by the process of voting, and interviews. Good luck to all candidates.
Rosemary Graham Shield 2024
Congratulations to Augustine House as the winners of the Rosemary Graham Shield 2024. This year it was a close race between Augustine and Avila each House vying for critical points right up until the last two House run competitions. Special mention goes to Marian House securing their best result yet, coming third. The success of the Shield this year was the eight House run competitions which included:
- Minute to win it.
- Chess
- Mario Karts
- Dodge Ball
- Year 9 run Charades
- House Basketball run by the College Sports Captains
- Wii- mbeldon Tennis
- Jeopardy
- Planking.
- Kahoot
- Karaoke
Well done to all Houses for a great competition and a special thankyou goes to the sixteen House Captains who were instrumental in leading these competitions. Augustine House will now enjoy a special day out early next term to celebrate their victory.
Mrs Julie Banda
Head of Campus - Clyde North Campus