From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
Whilst we have technically entered into Spring someone hasn’t told the weather Gods! However, there was a definite spring in the steps of students (and staff) this week as term three drew to a close.
The end of term three provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the term that was. If I was to list all the events and opportunities students have been presented with over the course of term three, the list would be long and provide the reader with an impressive list of diverse experiences all designed to provide students with the opportunity to thrive. Here are but a few: SIS - sports program, Chess, Debating, Book in a Day, Teen Chef to name but a few of the offerings under the SIS umbrella. In addition, we have participated in the Tournament of Minds, the College production, RUOK activities, masses and liturgies, futures expo, Book Week, Science Week, Health and PE week, VET music concert….the list goes on. The opportunities for students to engage themselves in a wide-range and a diverse set of experiences are boundless. St Peter’s College’ mission, in part, commits to providing opportunities which enhance the development of the whole-person: academically, spiritually, physically and social-emotionally. The activities mentioned here as part of a broader package of co-curricular activities are a platform for students to develop as a whole person. Anecdotally we know that those students that fully immerse themselves in their learning as well as the co-curricular program offerings are more likely to succeed in their learning. Congratulations to those students who have been active in engaging in the opportunities to date. For those that haven’t, there are plenty of opportunities yet to come in 2024!
To the Cast and Crew of Bring It On: The Musical – Winners of the Premier Division at the Schools on Stage Competition!
Last week, St Peter's College triumphed against all comers, earning the title of Best Musical Performance across all secondary schools in the Casey region earning themselves a well-deserved $2,000 prize. A special shout-out to Vinuk Kumaraperu Arachchige Don, who was awarded Best Individual Performance for his incredible talent on the night.
A heartfelt thank you to our Performing Arts team, led by Nicole Lewis, along with Maddy Tabacchiera, Nigel Patawaran, Gen Lyte, and Keyane Dalton, whose support was crucial to the production's success on the night. The performance was nothing short of outstanding. Well done to everyone involved.
Japan Immersion Experience
Eighteen students and three staff departed last Sunday to commence a two-week immersion experience in Japan. The major component of the experience is a week-long immersion for all students who will be attending school at Wako Kokusai High School, our sister school. Students will stay with host families participating in a genuine Japanese lived experience. This is the first time in five years that we have embarked on our Japanese Immersion experience. For many students this opportunity can be a life-changing one. For senior students studying Japanese, having the opportunity for an intensive language experience is incredibly valuable not to mention the opportunity to immerse oneself in the culture of this beautiful country. Some of the sites and places students will visit over the two weeks include: Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Kanazawa, Nagano and Tokyo. We wish our staff and students a wonderful visit and a safe return journey.
Installation of the 2025 Student Leaders
Following on from last week’s announcement of the Student College Leaders, this week the 2025 Student Leaders were officially installed in front of their community. These new leaders were challenged during the assembly and at the beginning of their tenure with the following question: “What will be your Legacy?” In part these student leaders, in front of their peers, had it explained that when we talk about legacy, we often think of history, of things past. But a legacy is not just about what happens when our time is done—it’s what we do in the present that shapes the future. It’s the influence we have on others, the changes initiated, and the inspiration they leave behind for those who will come after them.
So to our new student leaders we say congratulations. This week marks the beginning of a journey, one that we hope will be challenging for you, inspire you, and push you to become the best version of yourselves. Remembering, leadership is not just about this moment or the year ahead. It’s about leaving a legacy that will last long after your time here is over. Good luck.
Students return on Tuesday October 8
I hope all students enjoy the break ahead and come back refreshed and re-energised for the start of term four. Stay safe.
Mr Chris Black