Learning News

Learning News Weeks 9-10, Term 3 2024


Learning News

What an exciting term it has been!  When you browse through past newsletters or the school Facebook page, and look at all of the learning and events that the students and staff of St Michael’s have undertaken, it is clear to see that everyone has earned their holiday and a chance to rest, relax and reboot.  While you are doing just that, there is plenty of time to practise those skills learnt at school in so many different practical and fun ways.  Here are just a few!

  1. Watch a documentary and learn a new interesting fact to tell someone.
  2. Play Monopoly and count your millions.
  3. Follow a recipe and make something scrumptious for your family or a friend.
  4. Read a new book and then give a review to your family.
  5. Build or fix something together.

Enjoy your break and we will see you back for Term 4 on Wednesday 16th October, after the teacher’s complete professional development on the first two days.

Yours in learning,

Cathy Shepherd




This past three weeks in Mathematics, Kindergarten have been learning to subtract using numbers up to 10. As an exciting hook for our unit each day, we sang the song ‘Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar’ and guessed who may have stolen a cookie from our class cookie jar. We discovered that some very cheeky teachers had taken away some cookies from the class jar each day! The children learned about subtraction stories. The children then made their own subtraction stories using visuals to support their understanding. Great Job Mathematicians! 

Miss Fraser

Year 1

This term in Personal Development and Health (PD/H), Year 1 students have been learning how to make healthy and safe choices. We learnt about different types of Aboriginal Bush Tucker and sorted these foods into the healthy food categories we looked at last term. We have also learnt what the word ‘hygiene’ means and what we should do frequently to keep our bodies clean and healthy. The students then explored people who influence their own decisions and had to order these people as to who helps them the most. To conclude the unit, Year 1 were asked to design a ‘Healthy Space’ in the school to get children more active and healthy and their ideas included: a healthy food van to buy fruit and vegetables from, a gym, a swimming pool, inflatable world on the playground, a golf course and a bike path- among other things! Excellent work making healthy and safe choices this term Year 1! 

Miss Myers and Mrs G   

Year 2

To finish a busy Term, Year 2 explored the features and properties of 3D objects. We learnt to identify various 3D objects as well as count how many faces, edges and vertices it had. We did this by looking at models, taking photos of them around our school and by making them with mini marshmallows and toothpicks. The students thoroughly enjoyed making the objects; especially when they were allowed to eat the marshmallows! Enjoy the break year 2! You deserve a rest after all your hard work!  

Miss Rasche 

Year 3/4

This Term, Year 3/4 have been learning how to write a variety of informative texts. This fortnight’s focus has been procedures and students have learnt that we use them to teach someone how to make or do something. Year 3/4 began by supporting Miss Maunder to write a procedure on how to make paper cranes and then students had the opportunity to create their own pizza recipes. We had some delicious sounding combinations! This Week, Year 3/4 experienced making their own chocolate balls in class to support them in writing, editing and publishing their final procedure for this unit. Amazing work this Week Year 3/4 creating your recipes! 

Miss Maunder 

Year 5

During our Maths warm-ups this week, Year 5 have been revising knowledge of fractions. As part of our learning, we have used paper strips to represent a range of fractions including halves, thirds, quarters, fifths, eighths and tenths. During one lesson the students had to create the necessary fractions using their strips of paper and then mark them onto a number line to order and compare different fractions. Well Done to Year 5 and we look forward to our learning in Term 4! 

Mr Beaumont


Year 6

Year 6 have had a very creative end of term, focusing quite a bit on their singing and drama skills in practising for the musical ‘Danger Kids’. Their hard work has paid off, as they put on a phenomenal performance last night at the Town Hall with Year 3, 4 & 5 students. Year 6 also displayed their art skills. Students focused on using simple lines to create an eye-catching piece. Don’t they all look fabulous? Artistic work Year 6! They deserve a well-earned break after such a busy term. Happy holidays everyone! 

Miss Summerell