Message from the Principal

Mrs Bronwyn Underwood

Dear Parents and Carers,


What a wonderful evening of entertainment we all enjoyed at Manilla Town Hall last night as we watched our fabulous students in Years 3-6 perform the musical 'Danger Kids'. The children were amazing and are to be congratulated on their enthusiasm and commitment over the Term in preparation for our big night. Special mention to staff and parents who assisted and to our fabulous audience, who made all the hard work worthwhile. We look forward to our next production, which will feature our students K-2 towards the end of Term 4.

Today we celebrated our wonderful grandparents. We had our book character parade, book fair, open classrooms and shared lunch to recognise the people who contribute so much to the lives of their grandchildren. It's always great to see the children interact with their grandparents, as they showcase their work and skills at school. Grandparents Day is one of our favourite days on the school calendar.


A reminder that classes for Term 4 will commence on Wednesday October 16. Staff will be at school Monday and Tuesday undertaking professional learning and planning in curriculum - Mathematics and English. On Wednesday October 16, our Stage 3 students will depart at 6.00 a.m. for the Coffs Coast Adventure Centre for their 2024 camp. We look forward to a wonderful time. 

In Week 2, students in Yrs 2-6, will represent the school at the Catholic Schools NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Conference being hosted by the Armidale Diocese. The children will travel to Myall Creek on Tuesday October 22 and welcome more than 500 delegates from across the state at the opening ceremony. On Wednesday and Thursday of that week, Yr 6 Aboriginal students will attend the TREC in Tamworth to Acknowledge Country to commence each day. This conference is a significant event on Catholic Schools NSW calendar and to have Manilla students playing such an integral role is truly fabulous. 

As the term draws to a close, I share with you a message from our Director of Schools, Regina Menz.

Enjoy a safe and happy holiday.

Kind Regards,
