Year 4 - Newsletter

Dear parents and caregivers,


We hope all the dads and special people in our students’ lives had an enjoyable day on Sunday!


What's happened in year 4 this week?


English: This week we have been rehearsing our news report scripts in readiness to film. Students have made a list of props and costumes to bring to school (jacket, tie, shirt, microphone etc)


Maths – This week in maths we have continued learning how to count by multiples of quarters, halves and thirds, including mixed numerals, locating and representing these fractions as numbers on number lines and converting between mixed number (e.g. 3¼) and improper fractions (e.g. 13/4). For example 13 quarters (13/4) is also represented as 3 wholes and 1 quarter (3¼). Next week, we will begin our maths unit looking at practical activities and events involving repeated chance.


Inquiry - Our Inquiry lesson this week was incorporated throughout our excursion to Edendale Farm.


Inquiry Resource request:

We have been asking students to collect any shoe size cardboard boxes or large pieces of cardboard. We will be using this for our Design and Technology lessons where we will be designing and constructing nesting and resting homes for our local wildlife. We will be building the nesting boxes next week so please ensure students bring their cardboard to school by Monday 9th September.


Wellbeing: This week in wellbeing we continued to discuss how gender based violence affects the perpetrator, target/victim/survivor and bystander/witness.



  • Minimum 4 nights reading with at least 80 minutes per week recorded in school diary (Book title, pages read, minutes read).
  • Diary is to be brought to school each FRIDAY signed by parents.
  • Mathletics tasks will be set weekly to support topics in the classroom.


Things to Remember:

  • Wednesday 11th September - ENPS Footy Day celebration
  • Thursday 12th September - Division Athletics
  • Friday 20th September - Last day of term 3. Early finish (2.30pm).