Year 1 - Newsletter

Over the past two weeks we have had a chance to visit the Fathers day stall. The students were so excited working hard on making wonderful Father’s Day cards and decorating their gift bags.
We also acknowledge Are you okay? Day. Students made a special card for a friend and we talked about the importance of showing empathy, kindness and checking in on friends making them feel valued.
LLLL: Investigating words with split diagraphs a_e like bake, shave, plane, tale, cane. We looked at how silent final e at the end of words jumps over a consonant making the a say its main sound. When working on speed words sounding and reading we revised the code ai understanding that this code is used at the beginning and middle of a spelling word such as ; aid, laid, rain, maid and tail.
READING: Students have worked in reading groups exploring fiction texts with an emphasis on words containing split diagraph words. We have practised reading sentences with fluency.
WRITING: Developing an awareness of conjunctions and how to use them in sentences. Connecting to ideas together using words like ; and, but, so and for.
MATHS: Capacity & Mass - comparing objects and ordering them according to their weight both by hefting and using scales. Fractions of half within shapes and identifying half of a collection of objects.
INQUIRY: Looking at natural and built features of places. Looking at landmarks within Australia.
WELLBEING: Drawing an emotions graph and reflecting on how how feelings can change in a day.
Please check the show and tell roster for your child’s presentation date.
Each morning ensure your child has their drink bottle full and ready for the day.
11/9 - Footy Day
12th - ‘Are you okay?’
2nd-13th - Special Places Task
20/9- Last Day Term 3