Secondary 7/8

Term 3 has been an awesome term!
This term in discovery the students have been learning about how countries are connected through the olympics, food, languages, travel and tourism. In reading we have been learning about verbs, adverbs, adjectives, nouns and talking marks. In writing we have been focusing on adding adjectives to our sentences, writing speech and creating comics. Lastly, in numeracy we have been learning about data, making numbers with MAB, addition, subtraction and groups of.
The students also participated in some fun activities throughout the term. We started the term walking around Gresswell Forrest and visited the MCG. The students took the train to and from the MCG, explored the sports museum and ate lunch in the stadiums. For book week students enjoyed dressing up as their favourite characters and an author visit from Vikki Conley. Throughout the term the students have also been working hard on their spectacular dances and have enjoyed dressing up and having hair and makeup done.
Can’t for all the fun and learning in term 4!
7/8B commenced the term learning about the Olympics and how the event connects all the countries of the world for one big event. We had a great day out learning about different sports and athletes and completed various activities at the MCG.
The class was lucky enough to eat their lunch in the stands as well. We completed other activities at school such as a torch relay and wore green and gold to show our support for the Australian athletes competing in the games.
We continued throughout the term to learn about the connectedness of the modern world through different aspects such as tourism, fashion and travel and the class planned their ideal journey around the world. Finally, the class had a great time dressing up for book week and sharing all of their favourite literary characters.
Term 3 has passed by so quickly. Fortunately, we have lots of great photos to celebrate our varied activities for learning and developing friendships. 7/8C have enjoyed the Discovery theme, ‘Australia and its Connection to Other Countries’. We have discussed our indigenous Australians perspective on ‘country’, participated in activities focussing on the Olympic games, explored food from different cultures and practiced saying ‘hello’ in different languages.
The 7/8C excursion to the MCG was fantastic. We walked to the station and caught the train, to and from our destination. There were many tired legs by the end of the day, but the students all showed remarkable resilience. We enjoyed the interactive displays, but the best part was sitting in the MCG stand to eat lunch. This term in Maths we studied Data and Place Value. During Data the class voted and graphed their favourite subject – Science was the most popular.
Every Tuesday 7/8C have donned white lab coats and participated in experiments to explore chemical reactions. In Creative Media students have been making and filming puppets which has been a lot of fun. The whole Spectacular experience has been fabulous – with students and staff working hard and feeling very excited. We knew the Grease performances were approaching when we started to hear the song ‘Grease Lightning’ at the end of play times!
Term 3 has been spectacular for students in 7/8D. It has been fantastic to see the effort of 7/8D students with their Spectacular dances. As nervous as it made some of us feel, the thrill of dancing for the Concord Community and our families, loved ones, and special people was worth it!
We continued our learning in the SoundsWrite program with students progressing through a number of units. This program has provided opportunities for students to practise their decoding, bending and phoneme manipulation skills.
In reading and writing sessions, we have focused on developing our understanding of adjectives and adverbs in order to expand our sentences. We revised our understanding of nouns and verbs as well. We had a focus on how Australia is connected to other countries by reading texts such as the Lonely Planet Amazing World Atlas, and “Hello, Australia!” by Megan McKean. The students really enjoyed this topic, building on their learning of Australia.
In numeracy we focused on addition, subtraction, place value and multiplication. Students completed a range of engaging activities in both whole class and small group settings to explore these mathematical concepts. Students were able to target their respective IEP goals in small groups or in one-to-one learning opportunities.
A highlight of Term 3 for 7/8D students was the excursion to the MCG. The students participated in team building activities where they had to use teamwork in pairs to complete a scavenger hunt. The highlight of the excursion was visiting the Sports Museum, with students enjoying perusing all the Australian sports memorabilia that was on display.
It has been an awesome term for 7/8D, and great to see the students' connections continue to develop. The sense of community in the classroom is fantastic. I look forward to all the good moments to come in the second half of the school year.
Overall it has been a busy and exciting term!
7/8E have had a busy Term 3, with lots of Spectacular rehearsals and performances and heaps of fun Learning Experiences. We began the term by going to Gresswell Park for a long walk in the cold weather but the exciting excursion was our trip to the MCG and Melbourne Sports Museum.
We travelled around Australia to visit the many famous landmarks and then ventured overseas to investigate worldwide landmarks and food: learning to say “hello” in many different languages. We closely followed the athletes at the Paris Olympic Games and even had our own Torch Relay at school.
‘Bullying No Way’ was celebrated by daily lessons on empathy and by wearing purple clothes. Students have worked in two teams each with designated roles to collaboratively work together to build a Lego model; one of a Fast and Furious Car the other of Sunflowers. The students have taken turns of being the group Director, Engineer, Builder and Supplier.
Congratulations to spectacular 7/8E actors and dancers, your performances were amazing. We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday, and looking forward to a great Term 4 together.
Once again, it is hard to believe that Term 3 has passed. 7/8F had an exciting start to the term with the Olympics integrated within our Discovery Unit of ‘Australia and its Connection to other Countries.’ We explored Food and Languages from around the world together with a torch relay across the section to signify the start of the Olympics. We explored travel and our ideal way to travel within Australia and across continents.
Through our language experience, we further explored how Australia portrays itself to the rest of the work through what it has to offer. Students designed some excellent clips using digital technology and some superb posters. Our excursion to the MCG was an excellent experience. We caught the train from Watsonia to Jolimont, walked to the MCG to view the museum and stadium, and enjoyed lunch together. The Spectacular experience from beginning to end has been fantastic; the students have been so involved and really enjoyed both the preparation and performance.
Term 3 was go go go with Spectacular rehearsals! Students worked so hard to put on the amazing shows in early September. I truly marvel at the growth and persistence of our students throughout the process.
In maths we focused mainly on division, dividing collections into equal groups and solving equations. The students enjoyed physically manipulating concrete materials to solve the problems.
In literacy we had a focus on how Australia is connected to other countries. We read texts such as a World Atlas, and “Hello, Australia!” The students really enjoyed this topic, particularly when we linked it to the Olympics and the
Overall it has been a fun and rewarding term! Bring on Term 4.
This term, 78H students learned about the Olympics and how Australia connects to countries around the world. We enjoyed visiting the Australian Sports Museum and taking part in a variety of activities that allowed us to build stronger relationships with our peers. We took part in Green and Gold Day in order to show support for our Australian Athletes and enjoyed taking part in a torch relay as well as an Olympic Sport rotation during our reading and writing language experiences. Our favourite activity was the ‘Red, Blue and White’ Tails game that was represented by America.
During maths we have been exploring a variety of topics such as place value, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
One of the highlights this term was the Grease Secondary Spectacular. It has been great watching the students learn their dance as well as the actors learning their set lines for the show. It was a great achievement to see all students on stage performing for the Concord Community.