Team Leaders Message

Term 3 has been an exciting and eventful time for all the 7/8 classes at our school, filled with diverse learning experiences, excursions, and celebrations of culture, sports, and performance.
Classes kicked off the term with a deep dive into the Olympic Games, learning how this global event connects countries from all over the world. A highlight was our excursion to the MCG, where students learned about different sports and athletes. Back at school, we held our very own torch relay and proudly donned green and gold to support Australia’s athletes.
As the term progressed, we broadened our horizons by exploring the interconnectedness of the modern world through tourism, fashion, and travel.
We discussed the Indigenous Australian perspective on ‘country,’ practised saying hello in different languages, and explored diverse foods from around the world.
In literacy, our progress with the Sounds Write Program has been remarkable, boosting students' reading confidence. In numeracy, we focused on patterns, place value, and time, with small group activities ensuring individual learning needs were met.
The term’s highlight has been our Spectacular performance of Grease. The lead-up to the Grease performances filled the air with excitement as everyone practised dances and heard ‘Grease Lightning’ echo through the school.
Term 3 has been an incredible journey for all our students. From exploring the world’s interconnections to diving into the Olympics and performing on stage together. We look forward to a busy and exciting Term 4.
Rachel Morgan
Leading Teacher
Teaching and Learning