Classroom News

What a success last Thursday’s exhibition of learning was! It was wonderful to see so many families come out to see what their children had been working on throughout the term. The corridors were filled with excitement, and everywhere you went, you could hear families sharing stories and experiences.
The Foundation students created personalised booklets that showcased their unique stories, sharing details about themselves, their families, homes, school and cultural heritage.
Here is a glimpse of what is inside their very special booklets:
Sebastian: Target is a special place to me because I can buy lots of toys.
Layla: China is a special place to me because it has a lot of special places to visit.
Ada C: My family comes from China and Vietnam.
Ava: I live with my mum, Zara, dad, Mertaza and brother, Ali.
Coleen: The mall is a special place for me because I can buy things.
Pablo: The playground makes my school special.
Ada H: My home is special because I can climb a tree in my garden.
Avatea: Kmart is a special place to me because I can buy lots of toys.
Yichen: My home is special because I have a lot of crystals.
Joshua: My family come from Italy.
Sidesh: School is special because I can play with my friends.
Max: My family come from Australia.
Emmet: The beach is a special place to me because I can play with water.
Ben: My home is special to me because I love to play with my toys inside my room.
Jaimee: Swimming class is special to me because I go with my friend, Coleen.
Steve: The park is a special place because we can walk there from my brother's house.
Finbar: 'Dia duit'means 'hello' in Irish.
Elena: My family come from China.
Ethan: The church is a special place because I can pray.
Scarlett: School is a special because my friends are there.
Zach: My home is special because my cat is there.
Lucas: My family come from Brazil.
Joseph: Karate is a special place because I learn how to fight people if they attack me.
Year 1
Last Thursday, we all had a fantastic night celebrating all the great work that has happened this term in Inquiry and Art. Amazing work, everyone!
I liked seeing everybody's artwork and projects - Aiden
I liked creating the swimming pool for the Patterns Playground. I used a box and covered it with the patterns paper - Bruno
For the Patterns Playground I used a box to make a tunnel to go across the water to reach the playground. Other people had different patterns on their creations. It was amazing how they made it. We all put a lot of effort into it to make it interesting. Everyone used clay to make something nice to represent themselves. We all finished them on time for the exhibition. We also took photos with all our artwork and creations - Liam
It was amazing how everyone finished their creations by the exhibition night. Everyone put a lot of effort into their creations and all of them looked amazing - Ezra
I liked when I was making my castle for the Patterns Playground. I loved my creation and everyone else's was also good - Audrey
I liked how everybody in our class did a really good job - Valentino
I liked making the playground - Elissa
I enjoyed playing at the exhibition with my friends and also seeing all of my artwork. I liked creating all the wonderful artwork that I made, including the Bluey portraits. The Year 1s put so much effort into making the Patterns Playground. I also liked making a cross with clay, to represent my family at church - Abigail
I liked making a Badminton racquet with clay. I also enjoyed making the Patterns Playground. I liked the Patterns Playground - Stella
I liked the Patterns Playground and everybody put effort to make the artworks. We also made our Bluey Portraits - Alena
Year 2/3
Hello families,
With excursions, Book Week, a reading challenge, amazing fundraising events, swimming, our wonderful “Around the World” exhibition to showcase our inquiry learning and everything in between...what a term it has been!
These are the highlights from Term 3 from the students in Year 2/3:
Chris - Term 3 was amazing because it had lots of activities. I enjoyed Art Club, drawing and slime. I enjoyed learning Inquiry too.
Suzie - I really enjoyed when my family went to the Expo, it was so fun. I also enjoyed learning about Mass in Math.
Luke- My favourite part was learning about around the world and making my suitcase.
Emma - Term 3 was full of surprises! Like the expo and the swimming lessons. We also did go on an excursion. The expo was fun, we made a suitcase made of a shoebox. And swimming, we were in groups and it was so fun! I can’t believe Term 3 is over.
Kaiden - I have enjoyed the Art and Lego Club this term because I loved the slime and loved the lego.
Aylah - I loved swimming, it was so fun.
Riyon - This term at Sacred Heart Primary School I played in the playground and I learned numbers.
Connor - The excursions were so fun! I also liked wellbeing with Kate.
Lance - I put my head under the water in swimming for the first time this term.
Ava - I liked making my suitcase. In week 9 we went swimming and the Year 2’s went to the farm too.
Jazlyn - I really, really enjoyed going to the Expo on the 12th of September and I loved the creation we made, we made a suitcase! First we got an old shoe box, then we created a map of our country, then made old fashioned envelopes, then we used our interviews from our grandmas and grandpas. We put coffee colour paint on the envelop.
Tazlyn - I enjoyed swimming, excursions, learning about Mass in Math, the Exhibition, wellbeing with Kate, sitting with partners, doing hard work, art, having new friends, spelling, handwriting, dojos and having fun.
Joseph - I enjoyed going to the excursion at Cooper’s Settlement.
Sharlotte - I enjoyed the expo and making suitcases, learning how to swim, excursions and learning about the olden days. I also liked Art and Lego Club where we play with slime. I enjoyed with Wellbeing with Kate and learning about expected behaviour. I like learning about Mass and using the scales in Math.
Rayzon - This term I was very happy and excited because we wrote about our grandma and grandpa. We made a suitcase in Inquiry and we had the exhibition and showed almost the whole school.
Jessica - This term I loved to swim, it was so fun! I even enjoyed creating a suitcase about my country, I loved it so much.
Hanny - I really enjoyed Term 3. My favourite things were swimming and the expo. Swimming was really fun. I also liked lots more things like the excursions, Art Club, spelling, wellbeing and lots more.
Madelyn - This term we did a lot of art. In inquiry we made suitcases. Making art and suitcases was so much fun. I even got to do experiments too. I loved Term 3.
Vlami - Learning about Mass in Math and going swimming was fun. I also thought art was okay too.
Yaseen - I learnt about Mass in Math, I made a suitcase, I went to the excursion, I did swimming and I went to the farm.
An acrostic poem by Jazlyn about our Inquiry Exhibition:
Super fun, I loved it!
Anyone would love to see our work
Creative mind and creative drawing/making
Right people can sing high
Everyone can sing in harmony
Deeply; people sing high and low
Hi, can you win the raffle or not?
Everyone did do a good job
Anyone can draw and write
Real people can draw
Together we can sing in harmony
Everyone in the school did research about countries
Xray; take a close look of the kids work
Precious things of their family…beautiful
Obsessed with all the children’s work
Year 3/4
So great to see so many families present at last week's Exhibition of Learning. Here's some more snapshots from the Year 3/4 students. Enjoy!
Year 4 / 5
What a great night our Exhibition of Inquiry Learning: "Around The World Stories" was last Thursday evening! The students were so excited at showing off what they had learnt and then produced from this learning, to all their relatives and friends. There was such a wonderful buzz around the school with lots of people everywhere sharing in this wonderful event!
Exciting! Fun to see! People everywhere! Cody
The exhibition was fantastic because we got to show our parents, families and friends all the work that we had done throughout the term. The night went perfectly. The topic for this term was Immigration to Australia so we all made a suitcase and wrote about our parents and where they came from and how they felt when they left their homeland and how they felt when they arrived in Australia. Allie
The exhibition was great! The dioramas were all about the gold rush in Australia. We made them with different materials such as cardboard, corks, pipe cleaners and clay. Shamus
It was a wonderful exhibition we had! All the pieces were fantastic and everyone was full of excitement to see all the masterpieces! Stephanie
Going to see the exhibition was an amazing experience. We saw everyone’s amazing pieces of creativity. When we made our dioramas, we could explore with different objects and materials. We also got to add fabrics and other materials to our miner cut-out. Brenton
The exhibition was incredible! There was so much stuff to see. It was all amazing! Tristan
I thought that it was really interesting to see other people’s artwork, projects and what students had made on the chrome books. I really enjoyed the night. Azariah
Great! Colorful! Happy! Wonderful! Callix
What a great exhibition we had! It was a fantastic night and it looked like everyone had lots of fun. Aleisha
The exhibition was amazing! It was fantastic to see all the diverse cultures and what students had worked on. Nirav
Amazing and different from other exhibitions we had. Jasmine
The exhibition was creative and very colorful. Kaitlyn
And the next day, the year 4/5 students together with the Foundation students, had another walk around the school to one more time check out the awesome work that we had all done and contributed to our wonderful 2024 exhibition of learning!!!
Year 5 / 6
Inquiry Exhibition
As promised in last week's newsletter, here is a stack of work that the senior students completed as part of their Inquiry 'My Place'. We hope you enjoy!
William Barak was a warrior for Aboriginal people from Melbourne. He was known as the Ngurungaeta (head man) of the Wurundjeri people. He fought for his people, often walking from Corranderk near Healesville into Melbourne to discuss his people's affairs with the Government. In the last few years of his life, he dedicated his time to record his people's traditions and customs through art. He was a proud and intelligent warrior. We salute you William Barak (Beruk).
2024 ~ Year of the Dragon
As well as Indigenous Perspectives, Asian perspectives are also important to explore in Inquiry, as this is where we are situated geographically as well as having a high percentage of students from this continent. We explored the Lunar New Year and the totem of the Dragon.
The Olympic Games
A perfect way for students to explore countries around the world came through our Inquiry and the Olympic Games, which was held throughout Term 3. The senior students even put on their own Olympic games here at school, which was a load of fun.
Godly Play
In religion this term we have been learning about Parables. Parables are stories from the New Testament that convey a message. We have used 'Godly Play', an effective teaching strategy, to teach others about our parables. We will continue to share our learnings next term.
Parable Of The Net ~ Connor and Allie
Allie and I have been looking at the Parable of the Net. The parable is a story about when people a long time ago used a big net to catch fish. They would separate the good fish from the bad fish. The good ones would be kept and the bad ones would be thrown away back into the ocean. The moral of the story is about the good you do will always come back to you. And if you do bad things you will have bad things done unto you.
Parable of the Yeast ~ Ishe and Mohammad
Mohammad and I have been looking up about the parable of the yeast, here is what we found out. The parable of the yeast is about a woman taking a little bit of yeast and mixing it with a bag of flour till the whole batch of dough becomes bigger and bigger. The meaning of the story is about how the Kingdom of Heaven is everywhere and it will transform everything it touches.
The parable of the Hidden Treasure - Isabella and Harper
We have been researching the Hidden Treasure. The man in the story sold everything he had to buy the field that had the hidden treasure buried there, so it looked like that treasure was everything to him! Jesus is telling us that being with God is the real treasure.
Parable of the Friend at Midnight ~ Jasmine and Jacob
The parable of the Friend at Midnight is about a man who knocks on his neighbor's door at midnight and asks “Do you have any food or water to spare for me, as a friend has arrived here on a journey?” In the end, the moral of a friend at midnight, when you knock on God's door he will answer it and he’ll give you what you need.
The Parable of Prodigal Son ~ Gail and Bhavin
The parable of the prodigal son is about a boy that asks his father for his share of his money and uses it on parties and wastes it all. Then he runs out of money and he asks a farmer for a job and he realizes that he has sinned and returned home! Instead of being angry, the father welcomes him home. The story recognises the forgiving powers of God.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep - Keefe and Stephanie
This story is about a man who leaves his flock of ninety-nine sheep in order to find the one which is lost. The moral of this parable is that everyone is precious to God and that whether you’re a sinner or not God will try to save you.
The Parable of the lost coin ~ Izaac and Ali
The story is about a woman who has ten silver coins and then she loses one. She lights a candle and sweeps the floors and looks under her rug and when she finds the coin she rejoices and celebrated with her friends. The morale of this story is that Jesus loves us, he loves us so much that he will never give up on us and when he finds us he rejoices when a sinner repents.
The parable of the ten girls ~ Aleisha and Yianna
This parable is about the ten girls who went out to meet a bridegroom. The moral of the parable is to be careful because sometimes "you do not know the day nor the hour” as it says in the parable.
Parable Of The Fig Tree - Roman And Fortunato
We have been studying the Parable of the Fig Tree. The Parable of the Fig Tree is about a man who planted a fig tree and waited three years but no figs appeared. The moral of the story is repentance is necessary, and it is possible with God's help.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan ~ Lauren and Alex
Me and my partner have been learning about the parable of the Good Samaritan.
The story is centered around a man who gets beaten up on the road to Jericho. A priest and a Levite see the wounded man but do nothing to help. In the end it's the Samaritan who helps. The moral is teaching us to love your neighbour and help each other.
The parable of the Faithful Servant ~ Maxie and Roery
The parable of the Faithful and unfaithful servant is about you live your life for God and don't take time to stray or do anything else and your reward will be in heaven ~ you will have eternal life.
The Parable Of Lazarus ~ Onella and Tiffany
Our parable is about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. It is a miracle. And the moral lesson of this story is, if you believe in God, then anything is possible.
The parable of the Pearls ~ Katelin and Glendon
Many people believe that the meaning is … The fine pearl is the Church, which is those who will repent all other great possessions and always return to obeying God.
Jesus says, that upon finding this valuable pearl, the merchant gives up everything to obtain it … which is seen to be true by the sacrifice that Jesus made for all of us.