Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community,
End of Term Prayer
Dear God,
As we end this term, we thank you for our dedicated teachers who have filled our minds with knowledge and wisdom. We also appreciate the parents who have supported their children’s learning and helped with excursions.
Bless the children as they go on holiday. Keep them safe and grant them a joyful and restful break.
🌍 Exhibition of Inquiry Learning: "Around The World Stories" 🌍
Please click here to provide us with feedback on your experience. We loved seeing so many of you last Thursday, but we can always get better ~ hence the need for feedback. It will only take five minutes of your time ~ we will really appreciate your responses. Thank you!!
Footy Colours Day
Today, all students were invited to wear their favourite footy team colours, AFL, NRL, junior football, soccer, or any sports team. Our Year 5/6 Leaders have organised exciting footy activities for everyone which will be lots of fun!
Special Lunch: A big thank you to our Parents and Friends for organising a special lunch! We also extend our gratitude to the generous Haley Family (Katelin Yr 5/6 and Laura Yr 3/4) for donating all the party pies, party pasties and sausage rolls, and to the Santoso Family (Maxie Yr 5/6) for providing Pringles for all the children.
Teacher Appreciation
Staff members in the spotlight for all they bring to Sacred Heart - Mark & Janine
Grill'd Northland - Donation to Sacred Heart
As mentioned in previous newsletters, Grill'd Northland have chosen our school as a community partner for the month of September. During September all customers are given a token to place in the jar of the community partner they would most like to support. The community partner with the most tokens is given a valuable financial reward. As someone who likes his burgers, I can recommend the Grilled Zen Hen!
Please see our Community News page for an exciting offer from Grill'd!
After School Cricket Clinics
Mission Mass - Talent Show (after Mass in the school MPR)
Sunday 20th October - keep the date with details to follow
School Closure Days - Monday 21st October and Monday 4th November
Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) by Youth Leadership Victoria (YLV)
Holidays and School Closure Day: For families requiring the services of OSHC during the Term 3 holidays and on our school closure day on Monday 4th November, 2024 - please check the OSHC section of the newsletter.
Thank you for all your support during Term 3. We have had a successful term filled with engaging learning experiences. The students should be extremely proud of their efforts and enthusiasm.
Wishing Mark a safe journey home, and hoping everyone enjoys a safe and happy holiday!
Yours Sincerely