A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
Our Year 6 students headed off early yesterday to Airey's Inlet for a Camp. They will return on Friday afternoon.
The weather is very good at the moment and students have been enjoying all the activities. There are some lovely photo's of children on our Facebook page.
We will send out the expected time of arrival on PAM tomorrow.
The Year 5's will be going to Melbourne for their excursion tomorrow at 7.30am. They will be going to the Melbourne Museum seeing the Dinosaur Exhibition and IMAX Theatre.
Please ensure your child is at school at 7.15am.
Thanks to all the teachers involved in going to camp and Excursion.
Many thanks to Ted Lindon (Senior Learning and Teaching Leader) for his organisation and paperwork for the camp. Thanks to Ted Lindon, Sam Beks, Shamus Searle, Millie Casey and Beth Seccull for going on camp and their care of the students.
Thanks to Dom Poppa for all his organisation for the Year 5 excursion. Thanks to Dom, Joel Brian, Jhett Cooper and Mitchell Fleming for attending the excursion tomorrow.
I'm sure all students will enjoy their experience.
Many thanks to Joel Brian and John Howley for organising the swimming for this year. The information is all on PAM. Each class will have 5 days of swimming plus a fun day. Swimming begins for some classes on 18th November and will continue the following week.
Grandparents/Significant People
Next Friday, 25th October we will have a special morning for Grandparents and significant people in our students' lives.
We will begin with Assembly at 9.15am and then grandparents are invited to visit the classrooms and then will join other guests for morning tea in the Hall at 10.30am.
We ask if parents could supply something for morning tea. School will organise sandwiches/slices.
We look forward to welcoming our guest to our school.
We farewell Elley Drummond next Friday, 25th October as she begins her maternity leave. We wish her all the best and look forward to meeting her new baby shortly.
Elley's class will have Jo Baldacchino on Monday and Tanya Brand from Tuesday to Friday. Both are very experienced teachers.
School Saving Bonus
The Victorian Government are providing families with a one-off $400 School Saving Bonus to support with School uniforms, textbooks, camp, excursions etc. This will be given to all Victorian Government School Students.
Non-Government Schools (Catholic Schools, Independent Schools who are in Prep (Foundation) through to Year 12 in 2025 and who are receiving the means tested Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) are eligible for the School Saving Bonus.
Parents and Carers do not need to apply, with the School Saving Bonus being paid to
Non-Government schools for eligible students from late November.
More information about School Saving Bonus is available at:
First Aid Training
All staff completed their First Aid Training last Monday night. This is done each year. Thanks to John Howley for his organisation.
Paula Stevenson
Unfortunately, CESL had to readvertise after the panel determined that we didn't attract enough eligible or suitable applicants in the first round of advertising. This is not unusual in these times.
Applications closed last Friday afternoon. Shortlisting will occur this week and interviews will be conducted next week. The Executive Director and Bishop must also approve the preferred candidate before announcement.
CESL hopes to announce the new Principal to the St. Brendan's community and Sandhurst Diocese by the end of Week 5 at the latest.
CESL and St. Brendan's staff will facilitate an extensive, coordinated transition and onboarding process at the end of this year and the beginning of next.
Paul Bissinella
Principal Consultant - Primary Goulburn Valley Deanery