Year Two - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families,


On Wednesday Damascus along with Jerusalem took part in our Term 3 Mass. The students demonstrated great reverence and participated thoughtfully during the Mass. The theme for our Mass is 'Ask and You Shall Receive'. 

Next week is the final week of Term 3.

On Friday students are invited to come dressed in their favourite sports team memorabilia or colours. 

Next week we are learning...

Religious Education: We are finishing off our unit on 'Holding A Mirror Up to Myself' and the different ways we can see the image of God in our lives.


Mathematics: On Tuesday 17th September your child will be involved in a Giant Chocolate Freckle addition and subtraction task where they will design and make their own 'giant chocolate freckle'. This involves students choosing toppings, such as marshmallows, sprinkles, lolly snakes, strawberries (fruit) and crushed chocolate violet crumbles which will be placed into chocolate. Students with dairy and gluten intolerances and Vegan and Vegetarian options will be provided for relevant students.  The children will take home their Giant Chocolate Freckle at the end of the day. If you do not wish your child to participate in this activity please contact your child's teacher.


English: We will be looking at using visual representations of characters' reactions, speech and thought processes. We are continuing our work on expanding a simple sentence with a fronted adverbial. Our spelling focus is the 'a' vs 'ar' both making the /ar/ sound. 

Spellingask, fast, task, draft, bath, far, scar, mark, smart, dark, awesome, monkey
Vocabularyvictory, scuttled, yanked, despair, laughed, seized, generous, creeping

Auslan: This week we are continuing our revision of our content learnt in Unit 6 and undertaking our end-of-cycle assessments. 


Social/Emotional Learning & RRRR: It is our final week of our Child Protection focus. We have been unpacking the Child Safety and Wellbeing child friendly policy and discussing strategies to use when we feel unsafe. 

Term 3, Week 10

Monday 16th September

All Year 2 Classes - Change Readers

2C - Visual Arts

Tuesday 17th September

2C - Physical Education (PE Uniform)

2D - Visual Arts

Wednesday 18th September

All Year 2 Classes - Change Readers

All Year 2 Classes - STSS

2A - Visual Arts

Thursday 19th September

2A - Physical Education (PE Uniform)

2B - Physical Education (PE Uniform)

Friday 20th September

2B - Visual Arts

2D - Physical Education (PE Uniform)

LAST DAY TERM OF 3 (Sports team dress up)


Reading every night is important to help children to learn new vocabulary and comprehension skills. Students in Year 2 are encouraged to change their readers twice a week and read daily. This can be to a parent, sibling, pet or even a teddy. We teach students that reading a book more than once helps us learn - that is why we read the same big book together each day during the week. If students prefer, they can read books that they have at home. 


Just a reminder that while we are not a nut-free school, we have many students with allergies in our community, including one student with anaphylaxis. Please be conscious when packing lunch boxes. 

Contact Us @ Damascus

The team




2A - Jodie Bawden -  

         Elizabeth de Araugo - (Tues-Wed)

2B - Jane Heard-

2C - Jessica Cannizzaro - (Wed-Fri)

         Cecilia Kuech - (Mon-Tues)

2D - Nimanthi Perera -