Year Six - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families,


Thank you for your support throughout Term Three. It’s been fantastic to see the growth of our students and we are proud of what each of them has achieved. We look forward to enjoying our final week of Term Three before the school holidays commence



In Religious Education, we continued to learn about the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Students deepened their understanding of the symbols of the Eucharist as well as learning about the different parts of the Liturgy of the Eucharist at mass.



In Mathematics, students continued their study of conversion between metric units as they developed their understanding of capacity. Students explored strategies for converting between millilitres, litres, kilolitres and megalites and also revised the topics of length and mass that were studied last week.



In English, students began to read ‘Country Town’ by Isolde Martyn and Robyn Ridgeway. This text provides a visual story of an imaginary little Australian country town with all the themes of Australian history woven in. From the first people's camp at the river crossing through to today's world, a decade by decade story of a little community. Students also revised the appropriate text structure, sentence structure, vocabulary and literacy devices for writing an information report and began to plan an information report on Australia.



In our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program, we continued to discuss Positive Gender Relations. The students participated in various small group and whole class conversations related to the importance of promoting positive relationships, equality,  respect and the impact of unequal distribution of power within relationships.




This week students learnt a range of words related to family. These included words such as mother, sister, father, brother, father, grandmother and grandfather. We also had the opportunity to learn how to use these words when asking and responding to questions. You can help at home by asking the students to demonstrate signs they have been practicing.


 Integrated Curriculum

This week students worked in small groups to create a reader's theater/storyboard. Their performances involving drama and music are based on our Novel 'Once' and will be performed in front of junior students next week.


Elephant Education

This week Elephant Education attended our school to teach our students about respectful relationships and sexual education. Elephant Education aims to empower young people to make informed, positive and safe decisions about consent, relationships and growing up.


Friday 20th September - Favourite Sports Team Dress Up Day

Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term 3

Monday 7th October - First Day of Term 4