Leadership Communication

'You Can't Always Get What Ya Want'

The Rolling Stones wrote a song with the above title. It also happens to be a great way to interpret the theme of the Mass for our Jerusalem and Damascus Communities.

Mass on Wednesday was an awesome win for parents. Father Jithin was clever at taking the theme 'Ask And You Shall Receive' and making it real for the year one and two students. He asked them, "When you come to school, do your parents provide the things you need?" Predictably, some students said they don't get everything they ask for. Anticipating this response, Fr Jithin went on to say that parents give their children what they need, not always what they want.


Praying to God is much the same as the meaning of the Rolling Stones song. Christians believe that God knows us better than we know ourselves. We don't always know what is best for us but God does. As we mature in the way we pray, we change our language from, "God, can I have a new puppy?" to "God, teach me how to be a caring person".


Have a great weekend.