Focus on French
Les Olympiques
This term has been all about “les Jeux Olympiques” and “les Jeux Paralympiques” in the French classroom!
Students learned about the history of the Olympic games and practised some of the vocabulary related to the opening ceremony. They watched short videos of the sporting highlights as they unfolded. It was also a great opportunity to learn the names of some countries and their respective flags. Thanks to a Grade 4 class, a medal tally was made, and regularly updated as the games progressed.
Younger grades worked on numbers so they could count some of the medals at the early stage of the games.
Upper grades worked on sentence formation about the ranking and the medal tally in French. They also started to learn the names of some sports and discovered a lot of “borrowing” from English when it comes to sports names.
Foundation students followed the games a little too. They also practised a short dialogue that they happily presented to their classmates.
~ Laurence Barr, French Teacher