Junior School News

Year 7
With Term 3 drawing to a close, we would like to reflect on some of the achievements of our Year 7 students.
Throughout the term we have continued to work towards an understanding of our school values and the ways in which we can demonstrate them in the classroom, the yard and the community. This work is really paying off, with our Year 7 students achieving a huge number of positive posts across all our values this term.
At Year 7, our recent Attitudes to School Data reveals a strong connection to our school and we are certainly proud of the way our Year 7 students get involved in the school community and represent the year level with pride. Students have had their first exposure to our Goal Setting Template, and this is something they will continue with throughout their schooling experience at Patterson River Secondary College. We are looking forward to more work in this area and cannot wait to see what students can achieve. We hope that this work has allowed students to own their data and have some agency in and around their learning.
To finish our term, we were delighted to spend the day with our Year 7 students at a community event. Our focus in the morning was around “R U OK Day” and how we can all work together to check in and make sure our friends and school mates are ok and how we can have those conversations. During the rotating activities, students learnt how to have conversations, what to say if someone is not ok, and how to seek help. From there, it was class picnics and pancakes from wellbeing before boarding buses to Sk8House. This activity was designed to test our persistence and it certainly did! We had many students (and staff) who had never experienced roller skating yet persisted and got out there and gave it a shot! Even Mrs Ackland put the skates on and had a try. Overall, it was a fantastic day and it was lovely to see our Year 7 students come together as a community and embrace the day's activities.
“I really enjoyed the day! Everyone looked great in yellow and the activities were all fun. The skating was amazing!” (Ted 7E)
“Everyone was really excited and so many people learnt to skate. The wall was good to hang onto!” (Jack, Emily and Gemma 7H)
“I really enjoyed teaching others to skate and meeting new people that I don’t usually get to spend time with” (Sienna and Tilli 7H)
Patterson Lakes Primary STEAM Fair
A select group of Patterson River Secondary College students attended the annual Patterson Lakes Primary School STEAM Fair to showcase the learning that occurs within our school. A variety of equipment was taken for interactive demonstrations. Lynkin highlighted Biology with his microscopes and pond life show, whilst Ni and Griffin showcased Chemistry with their “Cloud in a Bottle” and film canister rockets. Ronnie and Logan had their hands full running our Vex IQ robotic ‘come and try’ stand. Patterson River Secondary College was proud to once again be asked to join the primary school fair and look forward to attending into the future.