Principal's Report

Following 6 weeks of long service leave earlier this term, it was wonderful to return in time for a number of key events, including RUOK? Week, parent teacher interviews and the 32nd running of Annual Spring Music Concert. It was also great to be able to see our group of students heading off on their World Challenge adventure to Cambodia.
I would like to thank Adam Slater for filling the role of Principal during my absence, along with Sean Leith and Maree Foster who back filled the Assistant Principal position.
Parent Opinion Survey Results
Earlier in the Term, parents were invited to participate in the annual Parent Opinion Survey which is conducted for each Victorian Government school by the Department of Education.
Our preliminary results are in and once again, our parents have responded very positively about the school. While we consistently outperform similar school and state, the results are a great opportunity for us to reflect on our relative areas of strength and weakness:
3 Most Positive Responses
- Teachers at this school expect my child to do their best
- My child feels safe at school
- This school has a consistent approach to promoting positive student behaviour
3 Least Positive Responses
- My child is taught organisational skills to help them with managing homework and/or schoolwork load
- This school provides me with information that helps me support my child's learning
- Teachers communicate with me often enough about my child's progress
I am pleased that we already have a few changes planned for next year that will help to address the relatively weaker responses, including an expansion of our T@SK program, supervised study sessions for Year 11 students and changes to parent teacher interviews. Our leadership team will reflect on other improvements that could be made.
PAC Landscaping
After a long wait, the landscaping works outside of our Performing Arts Centre are almost complete!
The area includes an outdoor stage for performances with seating and two hills for people to sit. We have also installed new flag poles and changed the gates so the main entrance aligns with the doors to the centre.
We look forward to opening the area early next term, raise the flags and hold our first outdoor performances.
Parent Handbook Reminder
Earlier this year, we created a handbook for parents to find information about a range of topics. A live version of the document sits on our website or via this link: http://Parent Handbook Link .
We would love to hear your feedback about other topics that should be included in this resource. If you have any ideas, please email us at
Share your ideas with the Department of Education
In partnership with Parents Victoria, the Department of Education is seeking your feedback on the next phase of education priorities.
This is an opportunity for you to share your ideas in achieving better learning and wellbeing outcomes for Victorian students.
Date and time
Roundtable 1
Tuesday 24 September 2024, 11:00 – 12:00pm
Roundtable 2
Wednesday 25 September 2024, 7:30 – 8:30pm
Both roundtables will cover the same content.
Places are limited; attendees will receive an invitation and link to participate.
Please register by 5pm Friday 20 September.
School Saving Bonus
As announced in the 2024/25 Victorian Budget, every student enrolled in a Victorian government school for 2025 will receive a one-off $400 School Saving Bonus to be used towards 2025 education-related costs.
The $400 School Saving Bonus will be sent directly from the Department of Education via email to parents and carers in November 2024 and will be accessed via an online system. Please check your junk mail regularly to make sure you do not miss an important email.
To ensure you receive the School Saving Bonus, The Department of Education requests that parents and carers ensure their email address and phone number is up to date by 18 October 2024. You can check this information on Compass (see below for instructions).
How to Check and Update Your Email/Phone Number on Compass:
- On the home page of Compass
- Navigate to the Tools menu (the cog icon next to your initials in blue name in the top right corner).
- Click on Update my details
- Check that your email address and mobile phone number are correct
- If an update is required, please amend and then click the update details
There is nothing further you need to do to receive the School Saving Bonus.
For more information about the School Saving Bonus and what education-related costs it can help cover, please visit
Whooping Cough
Students diagnosed with whooping cough must not attend school.
To reduce the spread of infection and to protect others within the school community, students diagnosed with whooping cough are recommended not to attend school for 21 days after their cough was first present, or until they have taken a full course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor (usually a 5-day course).
If your child is diagnosed with whooping cough, please contact the school to let us know.
I hope we can work together to protect the whole school community by following the recommended advice.
For more information about whooping cough, refer to Whooping cough on the Better Health Channel.
Vaccination is the best way to reduce the risk of whooping cough. The Department of Health recommends staying up to date with immunisations, including booster doses. A free booster dose of the pertussis vaccine is covered under the national immunisation program for students aged 12 to 13.
If you are unsure about your child’s vaccination status for whooping cough, please discuss with an immunisation provider, such as your doctor.
I really appreciate your support in keeping our students safe and well.
Mr Daniel Dew
College Principal