Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together

Dear Families,


Welcome back to Albanvale Primary School for Term 4. I hope you are feeling as energised and enthusiastic as all the students are as we look at all our planned excursions and events to round out 2024. Term 4 is big one: whole school swimming, Grade 6 transition, and all the end of year celebrations. Please make sure you keep an eye on Compass to consent and pay for student excursions and events. If you are having any problems with accessing Compass or would like some financial support, please see the Office Team who are more than happy to help.


School Swimming

Over the next few weeks our Prep to Year 5 students will be involved in the intensive swimming program at Paul Sadler in Hillside. Thank you to all our families who have already completed the form and provided consent. You can still do this through Compass. It is expected every student will attend swimming as part of our curriculum and commitment to water safety. Please ensure all of your child's belongings are clearly labelled with their name. 


Term 4 SunSmart in School

SunSmart Policy has come into play at all Victorian schools. This means all students must wear a wide-brimmed hat to school for all outside activities, be it playing in the yard, excursions or PE. You can read more about Albanvale's SunSmart Policy further in the newsletter. I'm aware, like all school uniforms, there is a tendency for hats to get misplaced so please make sure they are clearly labelled with your child's name


Buildings and Grounds Update

You would have noticed quite a bit of activity over the term break with plenty of work taking place. Although not all have been completed, these works included:

  • Stage 1 of the new Food Technology Kitchen, is expected to be completed early in November. This also supports the initial stages of our upgraded school canteen works which will move the existing canteen to its new location, serving students in the central courtyard (expected in 2025)
  • New Laundry and Cleaning Services area to support the school's hygiene practices (completed)
  • New Basketball/Volleyball/Hot Shots Sports precinct on the existing Asphalt area. Works are expected to be completed early next week and will be immediately ready for student use.

These are the latest works to be completed as we continue the necessary upgrades to drive our vision of providing equity and excellence for every student every day at Albanvale. I look forward to these facilities being available for use with our students shortly and am excited about the upgrades to come.


Thank you for helping us Achieve Excellence, Together. 


Michael Uzunovski
