Specialist Classes

Over the last few weeks, the 1/2 students have been working with the Lego Education Spike kits in STEM. These kits are made up of motors, sensors and hubs; and are used to address a variety of design briefs.
This week, the students had to make an alarm which would only activate when triggered by a specific colour through the colour sensor. This required the students to identify cause and effect and develop a program to solve a program. The students then used embedded coding blocks, to bring their alarm to life!!!
Firstly we congratulate our MacKillop Arts Exhibition entrants who were chosen for their wonderful artworks - Hannah, Marla, Amelia, Charlie and Jim.
Their artworks will be on display at the Sacred Hearts Cathedral in Bendigo in November.
We’ve also been playing around in art lately with ‘forced perspective photography’ which has been lots of fun creating some awesome photos.
We have our Specialist Showcase coming up in term 4 and we can’t wait to share some of our incredible paintings we have been working on this term. More information will be shared closer to the date of our showcase.
Students in Grades 3 and 4 have enjoyed creating their weather key rings to be displayed in the Specialist Showcase at the beginning of Term 4. Here is a sample of some of their terrific work.
F-2 students painted rainbows (Arcobaleni) as part of our learning on Che tempo fa? (What is the weather like?). Next week students will label their rainbow in Italian with the seven colors.
Grades 5 and 6 have completed their Seasons(Le Stagione) booklets and next week will be completing an activity on Weather around Australia.
It was amazing to see everyone get involved with sports colour day and support their teams! It is important to support your team and learn to go with the losses and the wins! But go the Cats!!
The last two weeks the students have been improving their throwing skills. The lower year levels have been working on their aim to develop their accuracy. It was great to see some of the girls show off their netball skills they have learnt throughout the season, especially Addison McGlade and Marla! In the upper year levels we have been also developing our agility. The students have been improving their dodging, reaction times and acceleration.
We are looking forward to moving onto touch rugby for the final weeks of term.