Star Students for the Fortnight

( Week 5 and Week 6 ) 


Junior Years

Mrs Caldow/Mrs Renato:

Shriya Chandwani for joining in with all school activities with a smile. 

Well done Shirya!

Sonny Kerrins for always doing his best to help his teachers and friends. 

Keep up the wonderful work, Sonny!

Mrs Wardle:

Anei Padual for always being a kind and caring friend to all in our class. 

Thank you Anei and well done!

Emily Bigg for being more confident at school and always doing her best work. 

Well done, Emily! 

Mrs Weber:

Nyla Makar for being an excellent helper in the classroom and for having a happy smile on her face. Great work Nyla!


Mr Maskell:

Maria Reyes for a great and peaceful start to our school year.  

Well done Maria.

Rudhvin Pratheep for reading so well during our class prayer assembly.   


Mrs Nicholson:

Belle Payne-Croston for a wonderful start at a new school and having a go at new things.  Well done Belle!

Connor Van Houts for having a great start to the new school year! 

Keep up the good work Connor!

Mrs Drummond:

Jasmine for being an excellent role model for her peers and 

always being willing to help others! 

Well done Jas!!!

Thinulafor have a great start at his new school and 

for always completing his work to a high standard. 

Well done Thinula!!

Mr Andronaco:

Mapieu Tiny for being a great helper in the classroom and doing a fantastic job displaying his best qualities. 


Middle Years:

Mr Secchi:

Jeona Saboni for making an excellent transition to our school and 

settling in well with the class. 

Well done, Jeona!

Ethan Wright for his excellent dedication to his reading. 

He has been consistent and worked very hard to make sure he is getting his 

reader done as often as possible. 

Keep up the great work, Ethan!

Mrs Anderson:

Louie Carrafa for always doing his very best, especially in his maths work this week. 

Well done Louie! 

Charli Staggard for displaying a positive attitude towards all of her tasks, especially 

her adjective work describing Plume. Well Done Charli!

Mr O'Hara:

Ivy Weber for always contributing to class discussions and 

finishing her work to a high standard. 

Great work Ivy!

Armaan Singh for trying his best and pushing himself to develop is understanding. 

Super effort Armaan!

Mrs Dainton:

Maryanne for her work in class. She is capable in Writing and Spelling.

 She always completes her  work on time.   

Well Done Maryanne!!

Max Grinter for his  great diary work each day. 

The pics and Writing is very interesting and well done with the Spelling.

Well Done Max !

Mr Howley:

Olivia Gospel for her very creative story about  the sequel to the book ‘The Gnome War’.  Olivia used a comic style to convey her opinion.

Roman Care for his much improved presentation of his work. 

Roman is working hard on his letter formation

Senior Years

Mr Lindon:

Khushmann Sandhu for settling into our School environment very well by 

showing our school values.  Khushmann has also worked very well in 

the classroom contributing to class discussions. 

Georgia Ralston for being extremely well-behaved throughout term 1 and for consistently displaying respect to teachers and classmates.

Mr Beks:

          Lincoln Thorpe for being extremely well-behaved throughout term 1 and for consistently displaying respect to teachers and classmates.

          Melvina Manu for settling into our School environment very well by 

showing our school values. 

Mr Poppa:

Mekahpreet Kaur -Auguri Mekah, you a  respectful class leader,

setting an excellent example for others to learn. 

Thanks for being responsible and always doing your best.  

Mille Grazie

Tej Sandhu  - Welcome to St. Brendan’s.

You have slowly settled into school here and your mathematics knowledge and numeracy skills are excellent.  

Bravo e benvenuto!

Mr Searle:

Lucas Prenzler for his willingness to contribute to each class discussion.

Lucas has shown all our school values and is an excellent student in our class environment. 

Freya Uniwenza - Freya has shown all of our class values, being respectful,

being responsible and being her best during all of our lessons. 

Well done Freya!

Miss Casey / Mr Quinn:

Lucy Koko for being a respectful member of our class.

Lucy shows kindness towards her peers and is a great asset to our room. 

Awesome work Lucy!

Jett Clarke for being a motivated learner and always making a 

big effort to do his best work every time. 

Keep up the great work Jett!