A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,

On Wednesday, 13th March our Year 3 and Year 5 students begin Naplan.  All Year 3 and Year 5 families received letters from Naplan explaining the Assessments.


Our first Assessment is on Wednesday at 9.15am with Writing.  Year 3 complete the assessment on paper and Year 5 on the laptop.


We ask that all children in all year levels are at school on time, as we need to make sure all Year 3 and Year 5 students are settled and ready to begin at 9.15am.


On Thursday, 14th March, there is Reading at 9.15am and Conventions of Language for Year 3 and Year 5.  All these assessments will be completed on laptops.


On Friday at 9.15am, will be Numeracy for Year 3 and Year 5 - No Assembly this day.


Dear Parents, 

for some children, the thought of taking a test can be confusing and a little scary while others may not be fazed by it.


If your child feels anxious, here are some strategies:

  • Have a positive and encouraging conversations about it
  • Eat well and plenty of rest
  • Be active and limit screen time (too much screen time can increase stress levels and make it harder for children to focus or get back to studying
  • Celebrate the effort, not the outcome.  The most important thing is that they 'gave it a go' and did their best with what they knew on the day.  It is about praising their efforts rather than focusing on the results.

There are other Assessments that teachers also do to check on children's progress.


School Advisory Council

We have had some people who are interested in becoming part of our School Advisory Council, however we would like a few more people.  


If you are interested or require information, please fee free to contact me.


Regards, Paula.


Information for Parents

We are working with our students on keeping our School tidy.


Every day we have jumpers, lunch boxes, insulated bags left outside with no names and even after taking photo's of the items and teachers show the children, they are not claimed.


Children are now asked not to take wrappers into the yard, be rubbish free.   Most schools have this rule.


We do ask that children only bring water in their drink bottles and not juice boxes or 'Up and Go's.  Children only need to have water at school.


Thanks for your understanding.


Photo Day - Monday 18th March

Please ensure photo envelopes are here before the photo day as it allows time for all staff to put them into the correct classes and give them to their teachers first thing on Monday morning.


Please make sure that children are in full summer uniform, no sports clothes or runners. 

Girls will wear their hair up if it is past shoulder length.  


We thank you for your support in this matter.


Solidarity Walk

On Friday, our school will be involved in a Solidarity Walk to experience how many children around our world have to walk long distances to get water.


Leanne Pellegrino will have the timetable for the walk on the Catholic Identity page of our Newsletter.


You are most welcome to join your child on the day.  Children will wear normal school uniform, not sport.


There will be No Assembly on this day.







Paula Stevenson 
