Tutankhamun Roadshow -26 Feb

Student Account 1:


Hey guys how was the Tut roadshow

Oh it was amazing

What did you guys learn…


Oh well you should know the answer to that one cause it appears in its first name Tut. That's right, you guessed it, Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh around about 1333 BC. At the age of 8 or 9 he became king of Egypt and ruled for ten years before a mysterious death at the age of 18. No one knows exactly how he died, some say he may have died of pain or illness and some say completely different things of tragedy. There were 4 different activities…


The Tut truck- In the truck there were 3 different rooms, history, Tut tomb and the scroll room. Each of these rooms had a unique sculpture in it. An intro to history in Egypt was basically a description into Tutankhamun. Tut tomb was all about Tut's life as a Pharaoh and what he had to do for the kingdom ( eg. marry his sister ). The scroll room was all about the discovery of the dead sea scrolls which was also pretty interesting


Archaeology- in archaeology, Mrs Biddle taught us all about the tell which is an artificial hill and how archaeologists study it. We also looked at real life skulls and using our archaeological skills we had to determine whether it was most likely to be a boy or girl which some thought was disgusting when you had to pick it up.


Seals- Ms Dennis explained that a seal was like a label for someone to read for a specific reason. There was also a stamp one that the queen used once in the day. We were then given a piece of grey clay, and either a stamp or cylinder and made one of our own and they look a bit like this



Tut tomb- In the old hall they had a replica of Tut's tomb and it told a story of how the egyptians believed that if they did all these specific things they would be happy in the after life. Mr Cowan explained all the different things on each wall so it all made clear sense except some of it was a bit weird like touching a dead body's mouth.


So hopefully that tells you enough about the tut roadshow and if you are highly interested in Tutankhamun I suggest you book a visit before it's too late!!!!!

Danyela Bailey Yr 7.


Student Account 2:


The Tut roadshow was an engaging and exciting experience that immersed us into the cultures of ancient Egypt. Activities, such as tut tombs and wall paintings, security in the ancient world, archaeology comes alive and the tut trailer brought Egypt to us, presenting interactive and fascinating displays and opportunities to participate in. The Tut Truck was an experience, it integrated both media and artifacts together to display histories in a relatable way to the modern world and help to make connections. Personally my favorite aspect was Archaeology. Here we got to deep dive into dating artifacts. The most fascinating part was being able to hold 4,000 year old pottery from the neolithic period found in ancient Germany. The tut roadshow was a wonderful experience providing us with the opportunity to learn about ancient societies and experience a unique display of multimedia, genuine artifacts and immense knowledge.