CSPS Parents' Association News

Jessica Tuszynski

Hi All,


In today's newsletter I'd like to cover:

  • Recap of PA AGM and outstanding vacant role
  • Reminder of Welcome Picnic
  • Reminder of CSPS Volunteers WhatsApp Group


Thank you to all those who attended the PA AGM.  We had an excellent turnout, especially of new Prep parents. 


I'd like to welcome to following people who have taken positions in the PA:


Secretary - Melinda Reid

Treasurer - Gabi Crafti

Marketing & Comms -  Dana Rochwerger

Local Community Liaison - Courtney Schneider


I am so excited and grateful for their help and support which will enable us to grow even more in 2024. 


We assigned leads to all events in the PA Calendar for 2024 except for the End of Year Twilight Picnic. Whilst the picnic is in December, it would great to be able to know that we have someone to organise this for us. If you would be interested in putting your hand up, please contact me. 



CSPS Welcome Picnic

Our Welcome Picnic is fast approaching on Thursday 7th March at 4:30pm - 7:30pm on the school oval. Bring your picnic blanket, some nibbles and drinks and enjoy meeting other parents. A sausage sizzle and drinks will be on sale, and this is a cashless event. 


Volunteers WhatsApp Group

Just a reminder we have a WhatsApp group where we call out for volunteers for events and other activities at the school. If you don't want to commit to the PA, but would like to know of events and happenings around the school to help out, this is where it is communicated. Use the QR code to join. 


If you have any questions about any of it, just let me know!




Jess Tuszynski

Parents Association President