Year 9 Camp

Last week the Year 9 cohort spent three days down at the YMCA Anglesea. The staff and students both enjoyed the many activities on offer such as Canoeing, Vertical Challenge, Skateboarding, Surfing, Life Saving Education/Boogie boarding, Mountain Biking, Giant Swing, Initiatives, night walks and trivia night.

The weather was good to us, and everyone had a great time. I would like to thank all the students for having a go and having a positive mindset. There were a few stand outs, and I asked each of the group leaders to nominate only one student per group that stood out over those 3 days. Some of these attributes required were - persistence, positivity, perseverance, great leadership, courage and enthusiasm.  As always, this was not an easy task for the leaders as there were many students who did give the camp their all. Congratulations to the following students:


Group 1- Kuba Drogo

Group 2 - Sorinda Li

Group 3 - Hadden Marsh

Group 4 - Alexandra Surenian

Group 5 - Renee Syropoulos

Group 6 - Alex Tran

Group 7- Riley McNamara

Group 8 - Owen Huynh

Group 9 - Aretha Lang

Group 10 - Michalah Mendoza

A big thank you goes to the many staff who gave up their time and classes and came on camp with me:

Mr Peter Nathan, Ms Caitlin Trustum, Mr Brendan Newcomb, Miss Tessa Houlihan, Mr Chuck Chan, Mr Chris Brown, Mr Rod Diaz, Ms Joy Singh, Mr Josh Cowan, Ms Linda Smith, Mr Joe Melhem, Mr Luke Georgakopoulos, Ms Antigone Kappas, Ms Olivia Giblin, Ms Janine Stockdale, Ms Hayley McMillan, Mr John Mehes, Mr Jason Robert, Mr Rosario Ripper and Ms Tenille Kirk (with additional administrational support too), as well as Mr Paull Ziegeler who was our First Aider. They did an incredible job supporting and encouraging students, as well as participating in the activities too.


It was disappointing that so many students did not bring a hat, water bottle and other items. A packing list was emailed out many times and a hard copied given to students. This impacted their hydration and the chance to fully take part in some activities.

We ask all Year 7 parents/guardians/carers to assist their child with packing for the camps in March and ensure all items on the list are included. 



Ms Sue Formanek 

Camp Coordinator