Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Cars and Safety

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the 12 year old student from another school who tragically passed away after being hit crossing the road outside Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre on Friday 16 February. We cannot imagine the suffering of this family and the communities they are a part of. 

This tragic event, along with two reported incidents of students crossing the road unsafely, and the busyness of our College carpark and the area around the College at drop off and pick up time, inspires me to communicate very clearly for the safety of all. We do not want anyone being involved in a car accident. Please, when picking up your child and driving around the College, be extra vigilant and drive with extreme caution.  Given the activity in the College carpark and Manning Drive, we continue to ask Parents/Guardians/Carers to encourage their child to walk a short distance away from the College and pick students up at a pre-arranged spot. We are also mindful of some students choosing not to use the supervised School Crossings outside the front or back gates of the school.  These supervised School Crossings are there for the safety of all.  We ask Parents/Guardians/Carers to please work with us and have the same message from both home and school regarding safety and road crossing.

Start of the Year

With three weeks of classes, Information Nights, Year 7 Swimming, and the Year 9 Camp behind us, it has been a busy time and we are well and truly back into the rhythm of school life, even if it is like a sprint out of the blocks to start the year. We congratulate our Year 7 students on their positive beginning at Nazareth and the students from Years 8 -12 who have commenced at Nazareth this year along, with the 21 new staff members. Our community is growing and we are blessed to have so many fantastic new people.  It has been a positive start for all. 

Next Week

Next week we have a big week at the College with the school Open Night on Tuesday 27 February 2024 from 4.00 pm - 7.00 pm. Students finish school their school day at 1.30 pm on Tuesday 27 February 2024.

Thursday 29 February 2024 will be the College Opening of the School Year Mass and also the blessing of our new buildings. We are very blessed to have Bishop Anthony Ireland celebrating the Mass and blessing the new facilities.  Parents/Guardians/ Carers and family members are welcome to attend out Mass in the Wheeler Auditorium at 9.45 am on Thursday 29 February 2024.


The majority of our students wear the uniform well and we are grateful for their efforts. We ask Parents/Guardians/Carers to work together with us to ensure that Nazareth College students are wearing their uniform with pride, representing us well. As a staff are working hard to be consistent and realise consistency is in the best interests of both the student community and the individual. 


Please support our staff especially in the areas of:

  • Piercings: One simple gold/silver stud or sleeper in the lobe of the ear.
  • Dresses: Knee length.
  • PE Uniform:  Only when students have practical PE
  • Students are not to wear make-up, no false eyelashes, nail polish or artificial nails. 
  • No bracelets.

Any questions in relation to the uniform please contact your child’s Head of House.


As always we invite Parents/Guardians/Carers to please contact your child’s Pastoral Teacher if you have a questions or concern or if there is some challenges that your child is facing. Working together to support your child will give the best outcomes.


During this season of grace we pray it is a time where we can all reflect on our lives and make concrete decision to grow as people more shaped in the image of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.



Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students