Staff vs Students

Maths Week Staff vs Student Challenge - Letter and Numbers!


On June 13th, 2024 the year 12 students took on the staff in a quick math challenge for math week. A few year 7 students were also up to competing which was great to see! There were a few rounds of a math game called ‘letters and numbers’ and whichever team got the answer first was given a point. In this game, 5 numbers were displayed on the screen along with the big number that the participants had to make. The players could use any 5 of those numbers and use them to add, subtract, multiply, or divide them to the main number. The challenge, however, was that a number could only be used once. Didn’t sound so difficult at first but it proved to be quite an exciting challenge! As the game progressed, the staff and students came close to scoring points, and both scored with only a few seconds left of each round.


This challenge showcased the intelligence and intellect of each team and displayed exciting competition as staff and year 12 students along with a group of year 7 students tried their hardest to score more points than the other. Everybody displayed competitiveness along with teamwork to figure out the Maths problem and show the answer along with the working out to the judges.

It was a very close competition, with the teams having an equal number of points towards the end and it all coming down to the final point. Students and staff rushed to figure out the answer and got it at the same time. This tie had to be broken by a swift game of rock, paper and scissors leading to the students getting the win.

Regardless of who won, this game of ‘letters and numbers’ proved to be a fun little challenge with healthy competitiveness!


Jaimeet Nanda, Navneet Kaur and James Ilias





All year 12 students and teachers were invited to participate in the staff vs student soccer competition at lunchtime, which was held on Thursday, 27th June. On the current winning side (staff), we had Mr. Moschetti, who had our crowd going wild with his mind-blowing kicking skills, Mr. Kamel with his unpredictable kick passes that managed to keep staff in the game, Miss Porter and Miss Barton with their incredible defense, and Mr. Hare, who was continuously milking out “penalties”, which were very questionable (cue shade towards BILLY JESSOP). The incredible side (students, obviously) once again had a great turnout of players, Rylan with his TOUGH defense in the goalkeeper position, Shoaib, Shabeer and Mojtaba with their immaculate skills and tricks, Zahra and Lejla with their GIRLPOWER, along with Ramzi and his fancy footwork. Students took the first point with Lejla scoring; however, it wasn’t long until we had staff fight back with Mr. Hare’s penalty kick (very questionable call).


Throughout the first half, staff managed to catch up to our students with powerful kicks from Mr. Moschetti and sneaky nutmegs by Mr. Kamel. Abul Fazal putting pressure on Mr. Hare with a 1v1, resulting in students scoring points to remain 2-3. Unfortunately (for the student’s side), Mr. Hare and Mr. Kamel’s communication was too powerful for our defense, leaving it to draw 3-3. With 30 seconds remaining in the first half, Mr. Hare manages to fool our students with fake passes to Miss Barton, which puts the teachers in the lead with the margin of 3-4!!


Our year 12’s fought back in the second half with Lejla and Zahra giving the teachers a taste of GIRLPOWER, leaving Miss Barton and Mr. Moschetti flabbergasted, leading to a tie. However, our students are hit with a blow by Mr. Jessop (the ref), as he hits Shoaib with a yellow card for talking back, unlucky!! With one man down, our students start to struggle keeping up with the teachers as the unexpected trio (Mr. Hare, Mr. Moschetti and Mr. Kamel) easily score, once again.


Students try their best to hold off the teachers as Rylan shows off his incredible defense skills against these hungry scoring teachers, along with Shoaib adding more fancy tricks against Mr. Moschetti, which causes our students in the crowd to hype the game even more, motivating our year 12’s. However, this doesn’t affect our staff as they managed to score 4 more points, caused by our students’ mistakes, which leads to staff winning by just 4 points (once AGAIN).


Well done to our staff on your efforts this semester! The next staff vs students’ event next term will be our win (year 12 students)


9 teachers 5 students – final scores