Academic Activities

Year 7 Casey Tech Excursions Report

Last week, Year 7 students participated in the Casey Tech excursions, a one-day program for each mentor group designed to integrate technology with the design thinking process. The excursions aimed to enrich students' knowledge, understandings, and skills in various Victorian Curriculum disciplines through a focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) and industry themes.

Students engaged in an array of STEAM-related activities that spanned across several innovative and interactive stations:

1. Drone Flying: Students learned about the principles of flight and manoeuvring through hands-on drone flying sessions. This activity emphasised understanding the mechanics and applications of drone technology.


2. Aerodynamic Design and Testing: Pupils designed aerodynamic structures using different materials. These designs were then tested in vertical wind tunnels, allowing students to observe and analyse the impact of airflow and resistance on their creations.


3. Virtual Reality Art Creation: Utilising virtual reality technology, students had the opportunity to unleash their creativity by designing and creating modern art masterpieces. This activity fostered artistic expression and digital proficiency.


The Casey Tech excursions provided a comprehensive learning experience aligned with the Victorian Curriculum. Key outcomes included:

- Enhanced STEAM Knowledge: Students gained a deeper understanding of scientific principles, technological applications, engineering processes, artistic creativity, and mathematical reasoning through practical engagement.


- Skill Development: The program helped students develop critical skills such as problem-solving, creativity, teamwork, and digital literacy.


- Design Thinking: By participating in the design thinking process, students learned to approach challenges methodically, ideate solutions, and test their prototypes, fostering innovation and iterative learning.


The Year 7 Casey Tech excursions successfully integrated STEAM education with hands-on activities, enriching students' learning experiences. By engaging in drone flying, aerodynamic design testing, and virtual reality art creation, students not only enhanced their curriculum-based knowledge but also developed essential skills for the future.