Wellbeing Team News

Year 8 & 9 Wellbeing Day!

On Friday the 28th of June, Hampton Park Secondary College hosted a Year 8 & 9 Health & Wellbeing Day, designed to nurture the physical and mental health and wellbeing of every year 8 and 9 student. A variety of the college’s community partners ran engaging and informative workshops and activities with our students, helping them to develop essential skills such as resilience, positive relationships, healthy lifestyle habits and much more!  We were so excited to host our special Wellbeing Day and were very grateful to our partners: South East Community Links, Centre for Multicultural Youth, Melbourne City Football Club – City in the Community, Mindflight, Infinity Fitness Peninsula for working with us in creating an amazing learning opportunity for our year 8 and 9 students. Thank you so much to the above organisations for your support!



  • Breakfast Club has been massively popular this term! Students have enjoyed fresh grilled toasties each day, along with fresh fruit, and snacks for recess, 5 times a week! Thanks to the generosity of our strong partnerships and local charities, we've delivered healthy meals for students daily, nourishing them before their hard work in the classroom for the day. Come down to A12 (in the Wellness Centre) at 8:15am every day, and get amongst the fun, while getting fuelled for your day!


  • Wellbeing have been busy each week running a variety of Lunchtime clubs and activities for the school community to enjoy and get involved in! On Mondays, a Mindfulness Club runs in the Wellness Centre, helping seniors decompress before a busy week, learning important skills in stress management and Mindfulness. On Tuesdays in the Wellness Centre, the Rainbow Collective meet, and host a safe space for any LGBTQIA+ students and allies to meet, and develop connection with community services, develop friendships, and enjoy games once a week. On Thursdays we have the Australian Muslim Women's Centre for Human Rights (AMWCHR) facilitating a Peer Support Group for interested students, providing a safe place for connection around culture and community, whilst developing awareness around important topics and learning leadership and interpersonal skills. Lego Club in the Wellness Centre on Fridays is a great place for Year 7s to develop friendships, strengthen their social skills, and let their creative-side shine! 



  • Wellbeing has worked together to unite the college for Wellbeing Celebration Days across the College Calander - so far kicking off with a huge IDAHOBIT celebration in Term 2. HPSC celebrated IDAHOBIT (The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia) by hosting a variety of community providers at the college for a special Breakfast Club, and Lunchtime Activities - including badge-making, bottle decorating, scratch-art making, and more! On the last day of Term 2, this Friday the 28th, HPSC are hosting our first Year 8 & 9 Wellbeing Day, helping students develop meaningful connections with community supports and local youth - organisations. We're excited for what's ahead in 2024!


  • Each Term, the Wellbeing Team work with community agencies to bring impactful targeted programs to select students needing additional support around developing interpersonal, social, and organisational skills. In Term 2, we've welcomed the Raise Mentoring and EdConnect Mentoring programs, each working trained community volunteers to meet with young people weekly, guiding them each in growing their confidence, leadership capabilities, and encouraging community and school engagement. We also hosted the Groundwork-Transition and Girls Empowered groups this term, working to encourage social connections, resilience, and communication skills in junior students. Students graduated with celebrations attended by school staff, in the last few weeks of Term. Well done to everyone involved!

We're thankful to all the volunteers and partners who work alongside the Wellbeing Team to support our school community, and we're encouraged by the impact we've seen so far with students involved in our programs!