P & F News
P & F News
Hello St. Fidelis families, we hope you are well. Our exciting COMMUNITY OPEN DAY is fast approaching, so this is your friendly reminder to please save the date – SUNDAY MARCH 17th (12pm – 4pm). We kindly ask if every family could donate some of their time to assist on the day (see sign up link below). The more hands we have on board assisting, the smoother the day will run. Many thanks! We also have the Community Open Day Raffle and annual Hot Cross Bun Drive approaching – more information below! Thank you.
Icy Pole Friday – every Friday for only $1 each
P&F Meeting – Tuesday 5th March, 7pm (St. Fidelis Staffroom)
Lunch Order Day – Friday 8th March
2nd Hand Uniform Stall – Friday 8th March, 3pm (St. Fidelis Staffroom)
St. Fidelis Community Open Day – Sunday 17th March, 12pm – 4pm
Community Day Raffle – Drawn on Sunday 17th March
The Village Bakery Hot Cross Bun Drive – Deliveries Monday 25th March
During Terms 1 and 4, students can purchase an icy pole at the beginning of lunchtime for only $1. Students simply need to bring $1 worth of coins to school every Friday to purchase their icy poles. Thank you to our wonderful senior students and our teachers for helping to run this weekly event.
The first Lunch Order Day for 2024, is coming up on Friday 8th March. Delicious BAKER’S DELIGHT (COBURG) PIZZAS and AURORA GELATI CUPS are on the menu. Orders are NOW CLOSED, and apologies but late orders cannot be accepted. If you would like to assist with lunch order day on Friday 8th March, please email Bianca Muscara at bianca.muscara@gmail.com. Thank you.
On Friday 8th March, the P&F are running a 2nd Hand Uniform Stall, at 3pm in the school staffroom. At the stall you can find preloved, great quality school uniforms at fantastic, cheap prices. This particular stall will provide access to the St. Fidelis' winter uniform so that families are ready to transition during Term 2. Other items of uniforms will still be available for purchase. Please note that this is a cash only event, and we ask that you bring your own shopping bag.
We welcome any donations of second-hand uniforms for our upcoming stalls. Please ensure that the uniforms:
Please place your items in a bag and hand into the school office to donate. Many thanks.
Save the date – On Sunday 17th March from 12pm – 4pm we are hosting a Community Open Day. Like the event we ran in 2023, there will be food/drinks, market stalls, children’s activities, school tours and much more. There are TWO exciting new additions that have been added to this year’s Community Day:
With the community day fast approaching, we ask that you consider volunteering some of your time to assist with stalls/activities. Please use the link below to sign up, your assistance is very much required and appreciated.
The P&F committee are looking forward to hosting this event, please reach out if you would like to assist, if you have a stall you would like to run, or if you are able to source donations for our raffle. Many thanks!
Community Day Raffle
On Sunday 17th March, at the St. Fidelis Community Open Day, we will be drawing a raffle.
Like always families will be given a raffle booklet (you will be receiving these this coming week) with 20 tickets to purchase/sell at only $1 per ticket. Extra tickets will also be available to purchase on the day. The raffle prizes will include Easter themed items as well as various other items, vouchers and products.
In preparation for this raffle, we ask that you consider donating any new and unwanted items for use in our hampers. Some ideas could include homewares, body products, candles, children’s toys, etc. Any donations can be dropped to the school office before Friday 8th March. Your assistance with the organisation of this raffle is very much appreciated.
Further information to follow shortly.
In true Easter style, the P&F Committee along with The Village Bakery are hosting the annual ‘Hot Cross Bun Drive’. QuickCliq Orders for this fundraiser will OPEN on Monday 4th March and will close on Tuesday 20th March. DELIVERY OF BUNS to school on Monday 25th March. Please see below flyer for more information.
Full proceeds from this drive will go towards P&F Fundraising, meaning your purchase/s will play a fundamental role in supporting the school’s 2024 fundraising goal.
We thank you in advance for your support with this event. And we thank Anastasia and Damian Spyrou for the generosity of The Village Bakery.
Please, if you have any ideas to help with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, are able to provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact:
JOSIE SERVELLO – 0421 076 580 josieservello@gmail.com
REBECCA KOUTIVAS – 0430 344 194 bterra86@gmail.com
Our next meeting will be TOMORROW Tuesday 5th March at 7pm in the school staffroom. We’d love to see you there!