What's happening in our learning spaces?
FLW | Chloe -For always taking great care with the way your learning tasks are presented. Your illustrations are just amazing. Great work, Chloe! |
FAP | Zoe -For your resilience in learning our cued articulation song. You have shown great enthusiasm and we love hearing your singing voice in FAP. Well done Zoe! |
FAM | Audrey -For being a wonderful collaborator during Discovery Time and working with her group to draw and follow a plan for their creation. Amazing Audrey! |
1/2VS | Violet -For showing courage and persistence when engaging in new and challenging learning opportunities. You are a superstar! |
1/2VK | Sam -For demonstrating enthusiasm and positivity towards your learning! Well done and keep it up, Sam! |
1/2VB | Ella -For all of the effort that you put into your learning this week. You worked so hard! You’re amazing! |
3/4BP | Eva -For being a focused learner when completing all your tasks, you have shown great determination. Well done Eva! |
3/4SH | Skyler -For consistently challenging himself, showing compassion to all and being a great role model within our school. Well done Skyler! |
5/6OS | Anthony -For working hard to build resilience whilst engaging in your learning. Keep it up! |
5/6BZ | 5/6BZ -Your determination and persistence when creating our short video for assembly in our limited time was outstanding. You are all rays of sunshine! |
5/6MC | Anna Rose -For consistently working hard and showing kindness to everyone, especially when helping others! Well done Anna Rose! |
Maths | Eponine -For your great work with place value. You have stayed focused and persisted with new tasks presented to you in Maths. Well done Eponine. |
We have been very busy in Foundation, with many exciting things happening! This week in Foundation, we will be attending school every day. Today marks Day 19, as we continue to count towards 100 Days of School! The weeks are certainly going by very quickly!
As Inquirers, we have begun our exciting new Discovery Time workshops. Discovery Time workshops include several provocations designed around learner interests to stimulate curiosity. We had time and opportunity to choose a station, and then explore, question, experiment, find out, create and problem solve with one another, whilst learning how to be thinkers, communicators, collaborators, researchers and self-managers. This week, we learnt how to be effective collaborators and work with each other by helping, sharing and taking turns. Some of us were writers, and created our own picture books at the writing station. We had to share the pens, pencils and stencils. At construction, we worked in small groups, using our initiative to come up with a plan, draw our creation and use this to construct our design. We worked on our fine motor skills over at our Sensory and Loose Parts stations, threading beads, rolling playdough, sorting objects and forming numbers, names and letters in the sand and with different resources. We had to take turns with the different materials and share them with one another! We can’t wait for more Discovery Time.
Yesterday was a wonderful celebration in the St Fidelis Church as we gathered with our buddies and all our families. Each of us received a “Buddy Bear” with a special message attached from our Year 5 & 6 buddies. We all know that our buddies care about us and try to see us each day to check in and make sure we are enjoying school.
This week we will borrow a book from the Library. Our Library Day is now on a Friday. Books will need to be returned each week in order to borrow a new book.
We hope you have a wonderful week!
Leanne Wenckowski, Alex Phillips & Alycia Marsico
Foundation Team
YEAR 1/2
It was an exciting and busy week in reading as we set up our Literacy Group routines and expectations. As independent learners, we engaged in a variety of learning activities such as Buddy Reading, sight word games and fun spelling activities. We also participated in a guided reading session with our teachers to continue to develop our fluency and comprehension strategies.
In Religion, our focus centered around Mary Mother of God and her significant role in our Catholic Faith. As thinkers, we engaged in class discussions and were encouraged to wonder about her life with Jesus and devotion to God. We explored the scripture of "The Annunciation" through listening to the Bible, watching videos and viewing artworks. We learnt about the origin of the Hail Mary and unpacked the meaning of the prayer.
Our big wondering for the week in Inquiry was ‘What does a learner look like?’. As thinkers, we recorded our prior knowledge by drawing pictures of what we thought a learner looked like. We were then immersed in a learning experience that was guided by one of our amazing ESOs who taught the class (as well as our teacher) to learn a new skill: how to build a kite! As researchers, we noticed that learning could take place anywhere and everywhere AND that we don’t always need a teacher to teach us new things. We will continue to explore this in the upcoming weeks as we begin to make connections with our learning assets.
As the students enter another wonderful week of learning, we wonder what is something that YOU have learnt recently?
Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis and Vivian Boggis
1/2 Team
YEAR 3/4
As curious thinkers, we engaged in a WheelTalk incursion facilitated by Peter Ogunyemi from Disability Sport and Recreation. We had the opportunity to learn about some of the hardships Peter faced growing up in Nigeria without running water, electricity or even a wheelchair. Instead, he had to rely on crawling or being carried by his family. Despite this, Peter has inspired us with his immense gratitude that led him on a journey to the Paralympics, success as an AFL player for Richmond, and a life in Australia. We had the opportunity to reflect on what it is that we are each grateful for, as well as learning how to play wheelchair basketball. We had a blast!
As mathematicians, we are learning to make and represent numbers. We have been learning to make, represent and identify the value of a number using a range of materials and manipulatives. Using the number we make, we are able to write the number in words and symbols, name the place value columns and determine the value of each digit.
As members of a faith community, we are learning to write prayers of Thanksgiving. The prayers we are writing will be read by students as part of our morning and afternoon prayer routine.
In preparation for Year 3 Reconciliation our Religion Leader Ms Gasbarro spoke with all Year 3/4 students about how we can prepare for this Sacrament. A reminder that our Year 3 Reconciliation online workshop with Maria Forde will be held on 14 March at 7pm. Details for this session will become available closer to the date.
Well done 3/4BP!
Mrs Panzarino would like to acknowledge and thank her wonderful class for hosting our first whole school prayer and assembly for 2024 last Friday. Congratulations 3/4BP!
This week 3/4SH will be hosting our whole school prayer and assembly, please join us!
Have a wonderful week!
Year 3/4 Teachers
Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan
YEAR 5/6
Last week was a very busy week unpacking our learning from Sovereign Hill, as a way of sorting out their learning. Students were reflective thinkers when reviewing their wonderings that they produced before attending camp and answering these with their findings from camp.
As a way of tuning in to our inquiry learning Change: How did we get here?, students engaged in documenting words and phrases they could think of when thinking about our big questions.
As a way of building our reading stamina and setting up reading expectations, we have been practising reading uninterrupted, we have set individual goals for ourselves as readers to support ourselves in achieving our reading goals.
As mathematical thinkers, we have been gathering data and graphing this information. Students had time and opportunity to survey students in the class about questions related to camp such as what was your favourite activity or part of Sovereign Hill? They then graphed this data.
Home Learning was sent home last week and is due on Friday 8th of March, students have been provided the home learning via google docs and if required printed. Every fortnight children will be receiving Home Learning as part of the 5/6 Learning agreement, this is an expectation that children engage in this learning alongside their daily reading. Children should chat with their teacher if they have any questions about this or if they need their Home Learning printed out.
A view only link has been provided for parents if they are having troubles accessing their childs google classroom. Year 5/6 Week 5-6 Home Learning.
A big congratulations to 5/6BZ on such a wonderful assembly on Friday. We hope many parents were there and got to watch and see the assembly. As part of the assembly, Year 5/6BZ created a video news bulletin sharing their learning about Sovereign Hill. Attached is the link to this video if you missed out on Friday!
Have a great week and we hope you have a wonderful long weekend!
The Year 5/6 Team,
Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut