Sex Ed Info Night

Tim Argall - Executive Principal

I invite all interested parents with children in Years 5-11 to join me and Viv Stapleton (Deputy Principal/Director of Christian Foundations) on Wednesday 6 March from 7.00pm - 8.00pm, in the Multipurpose Hall in the Lower Floor of the Community Hub.


During this information session, Viv and I will present the scope and sequence of the Sex Education Program at Donvale Christian College, noting its broader context as part of curriculum delivery within these years, where lessons on relationships, identity, sexuality and intimacy are presented.


We will be mapping the biblical context for these lessons and discussing our Christian school’s response to the wider educational landscape, and the redemptive hope we have in all these areas thanks to the centrality of Christ in all we do as a College community.


I do hope you are able to join us.

