Parents and Friends

Welcome back to 2024, unsurprisingly back to the busy times that we have come to expect now that life as returned to a new normal.


We are very pleased to announce that we have decided to focus our fundraising efforts into different specialist programs each year.

Money that we raise will go to adding on to our Music, Visual Arts and Sports Programs.  In 2024 we will be making contributions to the music program; I have no doubt Mrs Cooper will be sending a wish list very soon!!


Term 1 Fundraising Events

Off the back of our new focus, we will be involved in a few fundraising events in term 1.


First off, we are holding a Bunnings BBQ on Sunday 17th March at the Oakleigh Bunnings.  If you have two hours free that day, we’d love if it you can contribute to cooking a BBQ or serving customers.  We will be sending around an Operoo form in the next few days to get people on board.  Alternatively, if you are keen to help out feel free to email us at and let us know!


We will be running our annual Hot Cross Bun Drive, and the envelopes will be handed out to our children today.  Spare envelopes will be available at the office.

In order to complete our orders, we would like money back by 18th March.


Uniform Shop

We have received a significant amount of donations recently, thank-you to those who have been able to contribute.  We will continue to monitor our stock levels and our amazing volunteers will endeavour to open the uniform shop regularly.

If you are able, please consider donating any pieces of outgrown uniform to our second-hand uniform shop.  These items can be dropped off at the office.


WhatsApp Chats

It has been really exciting to see the levels of engagement in our year level chat groups, I think all of those missing and accidentally swapped jackets have found their way home!! If you are interested in joining any of the chats, the QR codes are posted up around the school.


Megan Champion

P&F President