Teaching and Learning/Enrichment Coaching 


This year we will be introducing progress reports which will be distributed via Compass each term.


Progress Reports will be provided for Literacy, Numeracy, STEAM and Health & PE.

These reports are not an academic report and will not provide a judgement on VELS levels. They will instead reflect a student's overall work habits in terms of their commitment to complete learning tasks, as well as including an indication of how the student is maintaining workbook expectations, behavioural responsibilities and effort in the key learning areas.


The purpose of these reports is to provide families with more regular updates on how students are tracking throughout each term. It ensures families are aware of their child/ren's behaviour, effort and engagement and how this reflects on their achievements and growth in End of Semester Academic Reports.


Progress Reports for Term One will be available to parents at the end of Week 8 (Friday 22nd March).


Areas reported on and descriptors:


Overall Work Habits


In Overall Work Habits, teachers consider the way in which students take responsibility for their own learning, whether they show strong focus towards lessons and tasks, if they complete their work in a timely manner and whether they demonstrate commitment to completing tasks to the best of their ability.


ExcellentStudent has demonstrated commitment to complete all tasks to a high standard 
Very GoodStudent has demonstrated commitment to complete all tasks to a very good standard 
GoodStudent has demonstrated commitment to complete all tasks to a good standard
SatisfactoryStudent has demonstrated commitment to complete all tasks to a satisfactory standard
UnsatisfactoryStudent has not demonstrated commitment to complete all tasks to a satisfactory standard
N/ANot applicable

Work Book 


When considering Work Book expectations, teachers consider how the student has presented their completed work. They look for general neatness, with work neatly and clearly set out and easy to follow, pages in books used sequentially, worksheets stuck in nicely, learning intentions and success criteria displayed consistently and care taken by the student with limited drawings/graffiti/damage to work books.


ExcellentAll learning activities are presented to a high-standard
Very GoodAll learning activities are presented to a very good standard
GoodAll learning activities are presented to a good standard 
SatisfactoryAll learning activities are presented to a satisfactory standard
UnsatisfactoryWork has not been presented to a satisfactory standard 
N/ANot assessed/not applicable


Behavioural Responsibilities


When reflecting on the behavioural responsibilities demonstrated by the students, teachers consider how the student has modelled or reflected the school values throughout each lesson. They observe if students have listened attentively during mini-lessons and class discussions and if they regularly follow instructions appropriately. Teachers will also consider whether the student contributes to establishing a safe and effective learning environment.


ExcellentBehaviour that consistently reflects the school values and expectations.
Very GoodBehaviour that regularly reflects the school values and expectations.
GoodBehaviour that generally reflects the school values and expectations.
SatisfactoryBehaviour that sometimes reflects the school values and expectations.
UnsatisfactoryBehaviour that does not reflect the school values and expectations.
N/ANot applicable





When considering a student’s overall effort, teachers reflect on how well the student shows commitment to learning by concentrating during lessons and learning tasks, demonstrating a motivation to learn, being active participants by regularly asking questions and engaging in class discussions and trying their best and persisting when faced with a challenge.


ExcellentDemonstrates a very high level of effort and engagement in learning.
Very GoodDemonstrates a high level of effort and engagement in learning.
GoodDemonstrates an adequate level of effort and engagement in learning.
SatisfactoryDemonstrates a satisfactory level of effort and engagement in learning.
UnsatisfactoryDoes not demonstrate a sufficient level of effort and engagement in learning.
N/ANot Applicable (e.g. extended absence)






SatisfactoryLess than 5 days absent in the term
Not Satisfactory5 or more days absent in the term






Julian and Luisa





Enrichment Coaching


Term One has been full of engagement and excitement towards a range of Mathematics topics. Our Grade 5’s have had support to understand the topics of addition, division and multiplication. They have appreciated the chance to explore these topics through trial and error, learning new strategies that they haven’t yet tried and confirming their ideas with the use of counters, MAB blocks and drawing pictures. They continue to amaze me with the way they support each other, offering guidance and positive words of encouragement.


Our Grade 3’s have been looking at addition, subtraction and multiplication. They often thank me for having time to experience Maths by demonstrating through Maths tools and one on one support to scaffold their learning. I have been most proud of their efforts to take on questions that seem beyond their abilities, often surprising themselves at what they can truly do. 


I have spent some time over the last few weeks developing a growth mindset with my groups, guiding them to take pride in their growth and speaking to themselves with kindness. This has been intentional as they begin in Naplan next week. 

“You become what you believe”

