Visual Art

Arte Visuales


The students in Foundation have had a wonderful start to the Visual Arts program. For our first lesson together students were exposed to cross-curricular links with music as Felipe played various pieces of music on his flute called a 'Quena'. They were encouraged to visualise different places and then proceeded to draw them using either oil crayons, pastels or art slicks. Some students had the opportunity to paint their artwork by adding a final wash over the top of their drawings. 

This week students were introduced to different lines and how to use them to make a monster. They discuss how lines are made and how they are repeated to make a pattern. Jointly students help create an anchor chart using all different line patterns that they could use to create an interesting monster. Students were challenged to use at least 4-5 different lines in their monsters.



Grade 1/2

The Grade 1/2 students have had a smashing start to 2024 commencing the year with watercolour self-portraits. As part of the Art Agreements students discussed and unpacked the the following rights of a learner' 'Everybody has the right to feel safe and comfortable' and 'Everyone has the right to do as much work as possible'. Students agreed to follow them in the art room by painting themselves and actively demonstrating these rights during this art session. 


Following on from this, students have begun a unit based on textiles. To begin with they were introduced to a loom and discussed what a weft and a weave are. Then they were to mimic the weaving technique using a paper weave. 


Some classes have had the opportunity to begin learning how to stitch using a simple stitch to create a basic hessian bookmark. They have focused on looking at the weave on the fabric and explored how the different parts of a needle include the eye and the tip. Most students were able to successfully thread their wool through the eye and some were even able to tie a knot at the end of the thread. They have been learning to 'dolphin dive' their needle up and down the centre of their fabric to avoid making mistakes. In the future students will be decorating these bookmarks using googly eyes, pom poms and sequins. 


Grade 3/4 

What an amazing start of the year that the Grade 3/4's have had to the year, as they all created name labels that represented their understanding and willingness to abide by the rights of a learner in the art room. These rights include: 'The right to feel safe and comfortable' and 'the right to do as much work as possible'. Together we discussed how these rights would look in the art room and how they might differ slightly in the classroom and other specialists' sessions. Students all agreed that adhering to these rights made sure that the learning environment created in the art room was beneficial for all.

This week students have been exploring the artwork of Uruguayan artist Amalia Nieto leading up to Cultural Week. More specifically we have been looking at how she was inspired by Buhos (Owls). Together we have discussed how she used colour, shape, gestural line, balance and proportion to create her artwork. Some students created their own artworks of owls based on their preferred style. As you can see below some of the sketches range in genre from abstract, cartoon and realism. 

This week we created the underpainting of our piece by learning how to use the wet-on-wet technique. The colour palette was limited to earth tones to emulate her style. Next week students will begin painting their owls either using acrylic or watercolours. Once the pieces are dry they will then experiment with the use of line and mixed media by adding finishing details and highlights using charcoal and/or white conte.

Grade 5/6

The Grade 5/6's have begun this year full of excitement and enthusiasm by designing an avatar of themselves as a Funko Pop figurine. Students were able to select whichever design they wanted and were able to experiment with various styles and genres if they wanted to.  Before this section of the lesson, students assisted in discussing and creating Art Room Expectations. They brainstormed what behaviours were suitable and required in the art room and proceeded to generate various statements based on the use of materials, self-talk and general behaviour. During the following lesson, students critically discussed and selected 3-4 non-negotiables from their brainstorming session. After, this they continued their work on their Funko Pop designs. 


Last week, students began their clay unit by revisiting key forms used by hand-building ceramic artists. We discussed and made the following forms: sphere, slab, coil and sausage. The students were then encouraged to explore and manipulate the clay in whichever way they'd like. Regularly, they were reminded of prior learning and prompted to use the score, slip and smooth technique when joining.  This week, students will be designing their pencil holders and collectively we will be discussing how art can be used for both function and aesthetics.