Educación Físicay Salud

Health and PE 


I am excited to share an update on what our Foundation students have been up to in Physical Education over the first three weeks of school. I started by warmly welcoming the students to PE, taking the time to get to know each other and discussing the purpose and importance of PE. We emphasised the significance of rules and safety, both in school and in PE, ensuring that everyone understands how to stay safe and have fun.


As part of the introduction to PE, we took a tour of the shed where all our equipment is stored. This helped familiarise the students with the tools we use and how we maintain them. Additionally, we explored the different areas of the bottom oval where our PE lessons take place, giving everyone a sense of the space we have for activities.


One of the highlights of our first few weeks was using the parachute and softballs from the shed to play some engaging games. 


We are looking forward to continuing our PE journey with the Foundation students and exploring more fun and educational activities in the coming weeks. 



Year 1/2 

It's been a busy and exciting start to the school year for our Year 1 and 2 students in Physical Education. I have had the pleasure of welcoming them to PE and introducing them to the fun and the importance of being active.


In our first week, we focused on the importance of rules and safety in PE. We played games like "El semáforo" and "Simon dice" to demonstrate the behaviours and actions we expect during our lessons. We also discussed behaviours that are not conducive to our lessons to ensure a safe and positive environment for all.


In week 2, we kicked off a new learning unit called "Yo cuido mi salud" (I look after my health), where we are learning how to "correr" (run), "saltar" (jump), and "esquivar" (dodge) with balance. We are currently focusing on keeping our "ojos" (eyes) looking forward and swinging our "brazos" (arms) while running, which we are practicing through various engaging games.


Last week, with the hot weather, we stayed indoors and learned about healthy food choices. The students had the opportunity to create their own superhero and design its diet, promoting both creativity and health awareness.


We are looking forward to continuing our "Yo cuido mi salud" unit and exploring more fun and educational activities in the coming weeks!


Year 3/4 

Our Year 3 and 4 students have been focusing on the importance of rules and safety in PE, discussing accepted behaviours and actions through engaging activities like the "rules and safety relay race”. This has helped students understand why rules and safety are crucial in our lessons.


In week 2, we began our "Sport Explorers" learning unit, diving into Net/Wall games. We are learning about the different types of games and “deportes” (sports) that fall into this category and their common characteristics. As part of this unit, we will be playing adapted Net/Wall games to enhance our underarm “lanzamiento” (throwing) and “atrapar” (catching) skills, using balls of various sizes.


Throughout this unit, we will explore the effects of different forces on objects when thrown, helping students understand the physics behind their movements. Additionally, we will focus on one of the main goals of Net/Wall games: efficiently occupying empty space to improve defensive skills.


We are excited to continue exploring the world of Net/Wall games and developing our skills in the coming weeks!


Year 5/6 

In the first four weeks of school, our Year 5 and 6 students have been actively engaged in Physical Education, exploring the theme of "Moving Our Bodies to Prevent Illness." This unit has delved into the world of Net/Wall sports, with a specific focus on tennis and bat tennis.


Students have had the opportunity to learn and practice the rules of tennis, refining their understanding of this dynamic sport. They have been honing their “golpes de derechas e izquierdas” (forehand and backhand strokes), striving for accuracy and control in their movements.


Beyond basic strokes, students have also been introduced to essential “estrategias ofensivas y defensivas” (attacking and defensive strategies). They are learning the importance of hitting the ball far away from opponents to gain an advantage, as well as the significance of returning to the middle of the court after hitting the ball to defend more effectively.


A key aspect of this unit is encouraging students to explore and discover effective solutions through trial and error. This approach not only enhances their understanding of the game but also fosters problem-solving skills.