Música y Artes


Music and Performing arts



The beginning of the year has been an amazing encounter for all of us. I was pleased to meet all the students and experience their amazing musical abilities. The main focus for term 1 has been setting up expectations and routines. So, students know exactly what to do and how to express themselves adequately in the music room. Also, students' voice has been an essential part of teaching and learning music in the class. Students have had the opportunity to be heard and show their musical skills in the things they feel comfortable and confident doing, such as: playing a piano piece, drums, xylophone, recorder, or simply using their voices to sing or even do some Rap. They have also demonstrated their technological knowledge to create digital music on their laptops.





Students in Foundation have been learning the expectations and routines for the class. They have learned greetings and key Spanish vocabulary through songs: 'Buenos dias, amigos, como estan?',  'Muy bien!'. Also, they have practised 'Singing', 'Beat' and a basic 'Rhythm' with the use of their palms and the Tambourine with the song 'Yellow Submarine.' They had the opportunity to listen to these renditions played on a flute which everyone enjoyed.


Year 1/2

During these first weeks students in grades 1 and 2 have been super excited and happy to be practising the song' Numeros y Colores'. They have been learning the 'Beat' of the song and practising it by using their body as a rhythmic instrument when clapping their laps, chest and hands to keep the tempo as it increases. They have also been singing it and starting to work on the choreography for the final show.



Year 3/6

Students from Year 3 to 6 showcased their musical abilities and skills with their classmates. They had the option to choose from different musical groups; including Piano, Drums and Sticks, Xylophone, Ukulele, Singing, or create digital music using a software called 'Bandlab'. Some students chose percussion to showcase powerful rhythmic patterns, while others collaborated with different groups to compose songs using various instruments and singing. Some even mixed percussion with rap singing. It was an amazing experience to witness the creativity of the students when they were given the freedom to explore their musical expression while being guided and supported by me.