Leadership Report

It has been another great week of learning at Newlands Primary School. This week we had a visit of representatives from the Carlton Football Club, who led the ‘Road to Respect’ incursion. The students were all very attentive and took many learnings away from the session. These visits will continue over the next few weeks to the rest of the school. It has been great to see so many great learning experiences throughout the classrooms focusing on the importance of trust and friendships. A big congratulations to all of the students who did their speeches for SRC (Student Representative Council). It continues to be impressive to see the amount of students who want to make a positive impact on the school!

The school will be hosting 15 Spanish Educators next Friday 1st March. We can’t wait to share the great work our school does. 




Walking through the Foundation classes this week, I’ve noticed our new students have really developed an understanding of the routines, working well together in groups and independently. Hearing the students excitedly sharing all the new Spanish words they have learnt including their favourite “Silencio” (well at me anyway), really solidifies the amount of fun they are having learning not only in English but Spanish too. A big shout out to Huxley who demonstrated his excellent counting in Spanish, easily surpassing my own ability. 



I had the opportunity to hear a few of the 1/2s, including Will, read his Sizzling starts for his narrative this week. All of the students were really proud of the work they created, but more importantly could share the importance of starting their story in an interesting way to make the reader excited. In Spanish, they have been writing descriptive paragraphs about themselves. The whole Spanish team are very excited by what the students are producing. I was lucky enough to join a collective and hear students describing Molly – as rapido and divertida, her face - el ojos hazel and pelo marron and her school uniform. 



While the talk in the 3/4s is finishing their inquiry projects this week, where the students have been creating cards of both imaginative and real people, focusing on individual and collective strengths. The English Maths investigations have been a real highlight, with the students challenging themselves and experimenting with different strategies to solve problems. This week’s Maths Investigation’s question was ‘5cm2 is the missing amount of volume in a 3D shape. What could the 3D object look like’. Ask you children for more information. 



Lennox, our 2024 Spanish Leader talked about how fun Spanish Place Value has been, confidently reading numbers as intricate as 464,567,765.26. It was very impressive to see how seamlessly he could read the number. The school leaders are already having an impact on the school with the amount of clubs they are running at lunch times, supporting our foundation students at recess in making friends, running assembly and I understand our sport monitors will be lending out sports equipment as of next week. 


School Council Elections

Thank you to all the families that have nominated to be a parent representative on School  Council. Due to the amount of high level of interest, the school community will have to participate in a ballot to select three parent representatives for School Council 2024. In next week’s newsletter, there will be a blurb about each candidate as well as instructions to complete your ballot. The eldest child in your family will receive the ballot package next week. 


School bags storage

Thank you for your concern and we understand your concern around lunches, but our goal is to have the bags outside of the learning spaces to reduce clutter and walkways, but the lunches (as with laptops) will be brought inside and stored in an appropriate place near their classrooms. 


Building Update

We are on schedule in relation to the school gym, our TV screens for the learning worlds have been installed and pinboards and whiteboards will be installed over the next coming weeks. The school is still in the process phase in relation to a new school playground and currently reviewing options for bike parking for students. We will provide more information when decisions have been made. 


Parent Information Sessions next Friday

Next Friday 1st March, we will be hosting our Class Information Sessions and Meet and Greet! Classroom teachers will be hosting information sessions that share relevant information that is specific to their classroom and cohort. It is also an opportunity to meet your child's teachers. We understand that not all families will be able to attend so we will be sharing the presentation slides via next week's newsletter. Unfortunately we will not be able to stream the presentations. 



This is a timely reminder for families to update their child’s permission to attend local excursions and consent for publishing digital images for their child through school publications. 


Welcome Picnic

Our incredible Parent and Family Association will be running a Welcome Picnic celebration, which is a fantastic way for families to meet and for our community to connect. More information can be found in the Welcome Picnic section of the newsletter. 




I would like to send out a thank you to Sonya for all of her efforts already this year. Every week I catch up with Sonya to discuss all the students and families we are supporting. Sonya is constantly speaking with specialists, outside organisations and professionals to help our students, families and school. If you are needing support, please don’t hesitate to contact Sonya at newlands.ps@education.vic.gov.au Att: Sonya. 

Beginning on Monday 26th March all wellbeing meetings with Sonya will be held in her new office which is in the new administration building. 


Maths Club

I would like to thank all the teachers who are giving up their time to support the students that are attending Maths Club. It is another example of our teachers going over and above to support our studentsl. There are currently over 40 students attending Maths Club this term, more details about how your child can join in Term 2, will be in the newsletter later this term. 


Working Bee - New Date

The new date for the working bee will be Sunday the 17th of March. There will be more information in next week's newsletter!


Have a great weekend!


