Principal's News

February  Keystone

"I Am Unique!" 

Thanks to all those who were able to attend our beginning of the school year Mass. It was great to celebrate the beginning of our year with Father Joseph and to bring our community together for such a lovely celebration.


We will farewell our Year 6 students on Monday morning, as they are heading off on their Year 6 school camp. We hope they have a wonderful time filled with fun, friendship and new learning. Enormous thanks to the staff who are attending camp and spending time away from their own families to take care of our wonderful St Mark's students.


On Tuesday 20th February we had our first School Tour for prospective families for 2025. There were approximately 20 people that came for our first tour and we are expecting a big group again on Friday. We recently sent home 3 copies of our school tour flyer to each family. We would be very appreciative if you would pass these on to friends, family, or neighbours who may have a child starting school in 2025.


We are looking forward to seeing as many families as possible at our Welcome Picnic on March 14th - 5.30 - 7.30 p.m. on the oval. There will be some fun inflatables for the children and a sausage sizzle run by the Parents' Association. A flyer will be sent home to all families with the eldest child. Please return the reply slip as soon as possible just so we have some indication as to how many people might like to purchase sausages. 


Second Hand Uniform:

Second hand uniform is available from the office at any time. If you are in need of some extra items of uniform please don't hesitate to come to the school office and see what we have in stock. We also welcome donations of clean second hand uniform items in good condition that perhaps your children have grown out of.

Shrove Tuesday:

On Shrove Tuesday the Foundation students enjoyed pancakes cooked by our fantastic parent helpers.

The students enjoyed having their own toppings and loved the whole experience.  Shrove Tuesday is a reminder that the season of Lent is about to start and we need to prepare and learn  about Jesus to be ready for Easter. 


Stand Up Project:

This year we have the wonderful opportunity to be part of a wellbeing project facilitated by Dr Zack Greig aimed at helping us to make our school and playground a safe and fun space for everyone. Dr Zach worked with the whole 5/6 level on 14th March and then trained 28 volunteers as Stand Up Leaders to teach others about being an active bystander and helping to make our school a safe space for all. Our Stand Up Leaders presented at our Staff Meeting on 20th February and will also present a parent night with Dr Zach Grieg on Tuesday 5th March. Please put this date in your diary as we would love to see as many parents there as possible.


Please remember that phones and Smart Watches of any kind are not permitted to be used/worn at school at any time. Children who need a phone or smart watch for travelling to and from school are required to keep the device switched off and in their bag during the day or handed in to the school office.

Sports Uniform Days:

Here is the timetable for the days students can wear their sports uniform and runners to school (all other days students must wear full school uniform and school shoes):

Monday - 5/6 Level

Tuesday - 3/4 Level

Wednesday - Foundation Level

Thursday - 1/2 Level