Five Minutes with Ms Saunders

BSC Staff Member

How long have you worked at BSC?

4 years.

What is your role at the school?

Head of House, Instrumental Music Coordinator and Music Teacher.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

So many things! Being part of a student's journey through school and witnessing their growth.

What was the last book you read?

I’m currently reading a book called…looks it up, 'The Atlas Paradox'. It's kind of sci-fi; I don't know if it’s good.

Do you have a favourite book?

'Saving Francesca'. I haven't read it since I was 17, but it's by Melina Marchetta. We had to study one of her books in HSC, but I fell in love with this one.

What is your favourite movie/TV?

Not sure, I've watched a lot of TV. What’s my fav? 'Game of Thrones'.

Favourite album of all time? 

It usually comes down to a Beatles album. I go between two, 'Rubber Soul' and 'Revolver'. Maybe not the most popular in the scheme of things, but I'm trying to choose a favourite. Combined, these are my two favourites. 

Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one?

Yes, the cello! I started in Year 3. I had already been playing the piano but I liked the cello more. My sister played the violin, so I was feeling a bit left out. I joined orchestras in high school, and then I did it in uni, moving between Canberra and Sydney for studies.

What would you sing at karaoke night?

Is it an ABBA song or is it a Disney song? You know what, probably a 'High School Musical' song. That’s the ultimate. I know all of them back to front, even before we did it as a musical. I had to pretend not to know them all because it was not my age group whatsoever; not quite cool for me to know them all.

Do you collect anything?

I don't think I've collected more CDs since they stopped being a thing, especially having lived in 3 different states.

Do you have a message for students you may teach in the coming years? 

Take advantage of all the opportunities you get in high school, there's so many. Sport programs, music programs, ensembles, and the production every year. This is such a good time of your life to chase or grow your passions or figure out what you’re interested in. 


Thanks Ms Saudners! 


Interview by Zara B (Year 12)