Foundation Report

We would like to congratulate our Foundation students and families on a smooth transition into their first year at school. We have been impressed with how well the students have settled into school life, including learning, remembering daily routines and following our positive behaviour expectations to be respectful, responsible and try our best.
This term students were introduced to our explicit and systematic phonics and spelling program UFLI, where students are learning to blend, segment and manipulate phonemes within words. So far students have explicitly learnt the sounds /a/, /m/, /s/, /t/, /p/, /f/, /i/ and /n/. In the Literacy block, students have practised reciting rhymes, with a particular focus on identifying words that rhyme, understanding key vocabulary and retelling and sequencing the events from nursery rhymes.
In Mathematics, students have engaged in a range of hands-on activities focusing on connecting numerals to quantities of objects to 10. Students have also focused on comparing and ordering collections to 10. The purpose of this is to ensure a strong foundation of the parts of numbers before moving to two digit numbers. Students have also been learning about Time, in relation to naming and ordering the days of the week as well as recognising the months of the year.
During our Inquiry unit students have been thinking and talking about friendships. We have investigated what makes a good friend, why sharing and listening are important, and how we can solve friendship problems both in the classroom and in the yard. Foundation students are working on making books with their 3/4 buddies, to show what it means to be a good friend.