Privacy and conditions of entry

The Department of Education (the department) values your privacy and is committed to protecting information that schools collect.
All staff including contractors, service providers and volunteers of the department, and all Victorian government schools (schools), must comply with Victorian privacy law and this policy.
In Victorian government schools, the management of personal information and health information is governed by Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) (collectively, Victorian privacy law). In addition, the Department and Victorian government schools must comply with the Victorian Data Sharing Act 2017.
Parents/Carers can access the Department of Education Privacy Policy here.
Conditions of Entry to School Premises
Aberfeldie Primary School is not a public place and the public (including parents) must report to the school office if they wish to be on school premises during school hours. The school has the power to determine who may enter and remain on school grounds, and the conditions of entry, is delegated to the school principal from the Minister of Education.
Where it is necessary to protect the safety of staff or students at the school, a principal may provide a verbal warning directing someone to leave the school if they:
- behave in a manner that threatens the safety of staff, students or any other visitor within the school.
- Pose a risk to the safety of people on school land or a risk to school property or facilities.
- Use any form of recording devices on school grounds without authorisation.