Performing Arts

The Performing Arts program is in full swing at the moment, students are having an absolute blast immersing themselves in the world of performing arts and diving into a whirlwind of creativity!
From Foundation to grade 6, everyone is busy crafting their own individual class theatrical masterpiece scripts.
Foundation students are enthusiastically preparing and working on a script of "The Very Cranky Bear," while each 1/2 class delve into the enchanting world of various fairy tales. The 3/4 students are working on Indigenous Dreamtime stories, and the 5/6 students are creating their own scripts on classic tales with fractured fairy tales.
All students, collaborating with their peers, exploring characters, and rehearsing scenes, every moment is filled with enthusiasm. With each class fully engaged in their respective projects, the energy is palpable!
It’s been a great term of Drama in Performing Arts for all! 😊
Kimberley Caffari
Performing Arts Coordinator