Year 1/2 Report

Over the past few weeks, the 1/2 students have been continuing to delve deeper in discussions about inclusion and how this looks in our classroom, at school and in our community. While reading quality texts to prompt discussions, students have then been able to reflect on themselves, what makes them unique and why it is important that we celebrate our differences. We are looking forward to parents and carers coming to see our self-portraits and writing about our differences.
In Mathematics, students have engaged in a range of hands-on activities to continue to develop their knowledge of place value and most recently addition concepts. When exploring addition concepts students have been focusing on part, part whole as well as partitioning a number into more than two parts to find a total. Students have also been introduced to data collection and graphing, answering questions to collect information and organising their data into a graph. They have then been exploring how they can analyse the information in the graph to ask and answer questions about the data that is displayed.