What's Happening In Primary

News and Information from Primary

NWPSSA Athletics Carnivals

Last week a selection of our students went to represent DCS and shine on the athletics track in Penguin.  Congratulations to the following students who have made it through to the Twilight Carnival tomorrow night:


Sebastian C (Year 3)

Poppy A (Year 3)

Eva S (Year 3)

Hudson P (Year 4)

Violet B (Year 5)

Aleks O (Year 5)

Cameron F (Year 6)

Jonty H (Year 6)

Lucy C (Year 6)


It is always amazing to hear our students report and reflect on the day:


On Wednesday I went to the North West Athletics in Penguin. Myself and other DCS students came as well. I competed in the 100 and 200m races. It was very hot but we all still had lots of fun. We competed against other schools, where I saw some friends from my old school. I was excited as I made the Twilight Athletics Carnival. 


Poppy (Year 3)


On Thursday 7th March a group of Year 5 and 6 DCS students competed at the NWPSSA District Athletics Carnival in Penguin. It was a sunny day and everyone had a great time!


First up was the 800m that Liam and Que ran for the boys and then for the girls, Ruby and Evie . The long Jump, which Cameron and Sienna did was on at the same time as the 800m. Oliver , Tahnee and Jake competed in the shotput.


There were a lot of competitors in the 100m from our school including, Jonty, Lucy, Sienna, Aleks and Cameron. For the 75m, Liam and Que ran, as well as many competing in the 400m. 


And finally, the relay races: 

Year Five girls Sienna, Violet, Alex and Annabelle came third and Year Five boys Fletcher, Jobe, Banjo and Jake came fourth. 

Year Six boys Jonty, Que, Liam and Cameron teamed up and came second. Year Six girls Evie, Lucy, Ruby and Molly also ran amazingly and came second. 


Jonty and Myles (Year 6)

Learn about our Secondary - Information Evening for Year 5 and 6 Parents and Students

Next year, 2025, will see the third year of Year 7 at Devonport Christian School. Since commencing in 2023 we have seen our Secondary school flourish, with exciting and innovative programs providing exceptional learning opportunities for our Secondary students. Our Secondary school is growing in numbers and planning is well underway for our new Year 9 and 10 Centre which will provide an additional learning space for our secondary students, and in doing so open up more areas for our Year 7 and 8 students. 


We would like to extend a special invitation for parents and students of our current Year 5 and 6 classes to join us for our 2025 Year 7 Information Evening. 


Come along to hear about our commitment to continuing our DCS learning culture and community into the secondary years. The DCS 2025 Year 7 Information Evening will be held on Tuesday 19th March, 6:45pm for a 7:00pm start, in the Jiloa Centre. Come along at 6:45pm if you would like a delicious hot drink to start the evening.


Every Year 6 student is automatically held a place for Year 7 at DCS. To assist us in our planning for 2025, we are asking parents to please provide an indication if you intend to continue your enrolment at DCS to Year 7 for 2025 by clicking here.


Clean Up Australia Day

Primary students will be cleaning the school yard and immediate surroundings on Friday as part of Clean Up Australia Day. Each year level will be allocated an area to focus on, encouraging them to learn about caring for our environment and God's amazing creation. 


Upcoming Events

Thur 14th March3.45pmNWPSSA Twilight Carnival
Fri 15th March8.30amPrimary Assembly
  Clean Up Australia Day
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
Mon 18th March Prep commence full-time
 8.30amPrep - Yr 6 Assembly
Tues 19th March6.45pm

2025 Year 7 Learn About Our Secondary

Parent Information Evening

Wed 20th March8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
  Hot Cross Bun orders due
Thur 21st March2.30pmSoccer Share Table
 3.30pmYear 6 Canberra Camp Parent Information Session
Fri 22nd March8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer
 2.30pmSoccer Share Table
Sun 24th March4.00pmFamily (Sibling) Photo orders close