Religion and Parish News

God of all hope,
We pray for our world with all its beauty and need.
We thank you for the love in our lives that is
a mirror of your unending love.
May all creation know your compassion this Lent
and may we take courage to share it, especially with
those who don’t have what they need.
In our time, we hear the same words you spoke to Moses:
‘I will be with you,’ when you ask us to do courageous things.
Through our prayer, fasting and almsgiving,
move us to act in the company of your spirit,
showing compassion and acting for justice
to renew the face of the Earth,
now and for all future generations.
We ask this in the name of Christ.
Sisters of Mercy Farewell
Last week we farewelled Sister Christine and Sister Gabriel. The Sisters of Mercy are the reason our Catholic Schools in Gunnedah exist.
The Sisters of Mercy were founded by Catherine McAuley (1779-1841) in Ireland in 1831; the first Convent was in Baggot Street, Dublin. Four Sisters of Mercy arrived in Gunnedah from Singleton on the 3rd of January, 1879 to establish a School. They were apparently met, some miles outside the town by a large number of residents of the district who escorted them to town.
The Sisters of Mercy held the Principal roles at St Xavier’s up until the 1980’s. Sister Christine (Principal of St Mary’s College) has maintained a very strong connection with the St Xavier’s staff and students. The children adore her and she has been a truly wonderful support to me and our staff.
We had a special farewell assembly for Sr Christine last week. She spoke about how much she will miss the St Xavier's children and their lovely smiles. She talked to the students about the importance of always being kind to others
Shrove Tuesday
On Tuesday, 13th February, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake Tuesday). This day marks the end of Ordinary Time before the season of Lent begins on the following day.
Ash Wednesday
Lent lasts 40 days and leads up to the Holy Triduum (the three days from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday). This liturgical season is symbolised by the colour purple and calls us to engage in fasting, almsgiving (donating to the poor) and prayer during this six-week period. St Xavier’s families will receive a Project Compassion Mission Box at the start of Lent in order to promote the almsgiving aspect of our Lenten promise.
Combined Schools Ash Wednesday & Opening School Mass
Ash Wednesday, the first day of the Lenten Season, was celebrated today. To mark this special occasion in our church’s year, we hosted Mass for St Xavier’s and St Mary’s College staff and students in the St Xavier’s Hall.
2024 St Joseph’s Parish Sacramental Dates:
Confirmation - 9.00am Sunday 7th April, 2024 at St Joseph’s Church
First Eucharist - 8:30am, Sunday 2nd June, 2024 at St Joseph’s Church
First Reconciliation - 6.00pm, Tuesday 24th September, 2024 at St Joseph’s Church
Sunday 7th April 9.00am St Joseph’s Church
Parent Night Thursday 29th February, 6.00pm, at St Joseph’s Church (Week 5, Term 1)
Rite of Enrolment Saturday 2nd March (6.00pm) OR Sunday 3rd March (8:30am), at St Joseph’s Church
Rite 2 Reconciliation Thursday 4th April, 5:30pm at St Joseph’s Church (Week 10, Term 1)
Retreat Day Friday 5th April, St Xavier’s Primary School (Week 10, Term 1)