Watashi Mo!

Welcome and Happy New Year!
Welcome to Term 1, 2024! It is great to see current and returning families, as well as new families at the school. We hope all the students and families have settled into the new school year. We’re looking forward to having an amazing year. Watashi Mo are currently working with the school and school council to determine the priority projects on which to use the funds raised from last year, as well as which additional projects we will be fundraising towards for 2024.
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who volunteered or bought an icy pole at the Parents as Partners night on Wednesday 21 February. It was wonderful to see so many current families and new families enjoying a nice summer evening!
Undokai – Parents and Former Students Relay and Icy Pole Stall
Tuesday 5 March 2024
Do you want to have some fun? Do you like to run? Do you want to have the students cheer you on? Then sign up for the Parents and Former Students relay race which will bring the Undokai Sports Night to a close! We’re looking for Parents and Former Huntingdale Primary School students to make up teams. Fill in your details here at the Undokai signup sheet: https://signup.zone/RrdPX36piFSRHyT5j
We’ll also be running an icy pole stall from 5-6pm. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up at the Undokai signup sheet: https://signup.zone/RrdPX36piFSRHyT5j
Second hand Uniform Stall
March 2024 – TBC
Watashi Mo are planning another second hand uniform sale at the start of March.
If you have any uniforms that you can donate, please bring them to the office from now until Friday, March 8 2024.
We also need volunteers to help sort the uniforms and to help run the stall. We will provide a link to sign up as soon as dates and times are confirmed.
Next Meeting
Monday 4 March 2024
Please join us online at our next monthly meeting at 7pm. WebEx details will be made available shortly.
Watashi Mo Committee 2024
President – Gerri Dickson (Parent 4B and FA)
Secretary – Danielle Dithmer (Parent 4A and 2B)
Treasurer – Jenny Segref (Parent 2A and FA) and Hiroka McGregor-Jones (Parent 2B)
Remember, you can join our private FB group, or get in touch with us on email at Watashimo.huntingdale@gmail.com